Is there anyone here who just doesn't care about money, status, tech...

Is there anyone here who just doesn't care about money, status, tech, women and is actually comfortable with their standing in life? I've been NEET for 14 years and although I don't have much compared to everyone else, I'm reasonably happy. It's amusing hearing people whine about jobs and cars and women and money and status.

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I care about money, but only because it enables me to live the type of life that I desire. I don't have the option to be a NEET because my parents would never allow it and I don't live in a nanny state.

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All I care about is getting better at art and going for a walk every day
maybe a lil choccy bar once a fortnight
I don't care for much

Well yeah money is necessary for living life, I'm talking about those people that obsess over it and prioritize it over everything.
That's cool, always admired people who could draw. Are you a fellow NEET as well?

>Is there anyone here who just doesn't care about money, status, tech, women and is actually comfortable with their standing in life?
You have to cope with being a useless leech somehow.

I like my tech but if you are really into it, it is cheap. I'll never will be happy without gf either, but you learn to dick around on the "reasonable content" side of things.
Status, money, job/career I have no use for those without a girl starting to get demanding about 'em.

But sometimes I look at my life and all the things I've never done or experienced and think; is this all it amounts to, just consuming media and daydreaming alone until I die?

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I had a light chuckle at that, enjoy the 9 to 5.
Friend of mine is really into tech, though I live in a city. Seems everyone here's obsessed with it at some level.

On a side note, I'm glad there's some like-minded people in this thread.

I am disabled physically so being a neet wasnt exactly a choice. My immune system nuked itself when I was 8 and now I have to spend majority of the day in bed. I wish for money and status. I have bux for what its worrh use to work before I became a sick person. I miss my life but I accept the life I have now. Im grateful my family takes care of me.

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I had those feelings years ago. The way I came to terms with it is ultimately at the end of the day there will be no legacy. One day everything will be wiped out, so live life the way you want to live it. You do not owe anyone anything, you do not owe society or your parents or anyone anything because owing implies a trade - life is a gift.

Finally a thread for me. Yes I've been a neet since 2017. I am probably going to end up waging but I am comfortable with my status. As long as I have internet access, a garden, my pets, what else do I need?

I think you owe it to yourself user, the fact that you are had these existential crises shows you must understand on some level.
I hope you don't live to regret your choices

Yeah I feel that. I too, am NEET by circumstance and not by choice. I have come to terms with it as well. I am sorry you have to go through disability like that, sounds like you have a decent family though. Besides my father, no one in my family cares.
Good to see you're like-minded.
Thank you for your concern, but I'll be okay. Life has dealt me some shit hands in the past, but I've survived through all of them.

I am sorry for your situation. If youd like to share your discord I will add you

I certainly don't care about status but money and women to a somewhat important degree are part of my goal

yes and no. i make a decent amount of money and work relatively low hours. nothing crazy but it's decent. i fucking hate my job though and if it weren't for a single thought in my head i would be happier as a neet. i don't give a fuck about promotions, prestige, status, women. the only reason i work is for progression in my life so that way one day maybe i can get on fucking hormones and try to become a woman.
if i didn't hate myself and wish i were a girl, there would be nothing at all to fight for

>those people that obsess over it and prioritize it over everything.
like you said, money is necessary for living life. when one single resource is what gives you food, water, safety, shelter, then it easily becomes an obsession

bro you should be a monk then you seem set up for it.
As for me I only care about satisfaction. For me that involves perusing all the things you mentioned.

Worldly endeavors are Jewish tricks, unironically.

the longer i live the more i realize theres less and less stuffs i care about, and abandoned, leaving only very few, yet strong wishes, which, of course, hurts all the more.
but at least i abandoned stuffs.

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I care quite a bit about money, but after 70-80k/year I have virtually 0 problems that can be solved by more money and I see no legitimate reason to spend less time doing things I enjoy in order to make more. "Status" on the other hand is literally a giant consumption sink designed to create more problems that only money can solve. I guess I care about status in my own niche circles, but that oddly enough comes from the ability to solve problems without just throwing tons of money at them, so definitely sort of inverse to status in the traditional sense (for example I don't browse /p/, but spend a few minutes there and there's bound to be a wealthy retard with an expensive camera who takes mediocre pics being shit on bunch of other guys who post beautiful pics with cheap cameras they actually learned how to use)

Out of curiosity, do these things actually bring you satisfaction? I feel a major reason I struggle with career-related things is that I don't actually feel any sense of accomplishment. I've overcome some really tough personal goals and never felt anything other than relief that it's over, and I've never purchased anything that I didn't feel slightly disappointed with or just kinda forgot about after a week. Should I even desire to self-motivate by feelings of want? The only thing I really want is to spend a greater percentage of my life doing things I don't hate doing, which the pursuit of money directly contradicts.