Can you imagine what it's like to be black, or to have blacks as your neighbors? The constant noise and tinny music...

Can you imagine what it's like to be black, or to have blacks as your neighbors? The constant noise and tinny music, filth everywhere, constant disputes and screeching arguments. Everywhere you go there's some filthy, lanky creature loitering, listening to its music on max volume on its expensive cellphone, spitting, jaywalking, cursing, drinking, selling and doing drugs. Everywhere you look you can find this animal, on every street corner, waiting for its chance to commit some petty crime, or perhaps to permanently injure someone, or kill someone, its bleary, melanin-stained, red-rimmed eyes completely devoid of human compassion or empathy.
Imagine your local school: Once some flagship, state-of-the-art liberal project now devolved to total shit, subjected to the nightmare Midas touch of the black: everything they touch, every place they inhabit turns into a wasteland. The young liberal white optimists are long gone: the remaining black teachers are semiliterate, the admin staff are obese shaniquas with fake nails and gorilla glue hair, the other children all have foetal alcohol syndrome and are twerking, raping, and shooting each other in the schoolyard. There are no fathers, just sprawling rotating circuses of obese, brainless women and violent, brainless men.
Your children can't play in the street. You can't sleep at night. Your kids can't get an education. Nothing works right. Even the local cops are semi-retarded. Everyone is semi-retarded. Everyone is constantly angry. Everything is broken. You see shadows of what once was, of the way things should be, in the corner of your eye, but when you focus they disappear, replaced with the leering, thick-lipped monkey grimaces of your neighbors. (cont)

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm black and I've never experienced this because my entire neighborhood is Italians.

And then, on TV, on YouTube, you see images of other countries without blacks: Japan, Norway, Finland. You occasionally get glimpses of Vermont and Maine, or of beautiful little all-white communities nestled in the graceful hills of Montana. You see how even the degenerate hippies at Burning Man know how to put together proper sanitation and waste management. But then you rub your eyes and look around you: dilapidated bricks, graffitti, murals of negroes in garish colors, the dull thump and skrrrrt of rap in the distance. Wherever your evil race casts its shadow, civilization crumbles, and man stoops back to the Stone Ages. The Romans had aqueducts: your race crawls along the dirt, carrying buckets of water on their head for miles. Water drawn from wells dug by German and Italian philanthropists. If the whites and Asians look away for an instant, your people instantly devolve back to prehistory.
You realize that the other races have history and culture to be proud of. They have ancestry and tradition. You have nothing, a cargo cult cobbled together from scraps stolen from the master's table, stitched together with resentment and delusion.
The black is always the bottom of the class; the black neighborhood is the filthiest and most dangerous of the city; the black region is the poorest of the country; and black countries are the poorest and most violent on the planet. The pattern never varies. To be black is to fail. To be black is to be ignorant, violent, and poor. The exceptions exist only in fiction, glittering Wakandas imagined and drawn by your condescending betters. (cont)

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And the women: hideous, braying baboons, since birth the absolute bottom of the aesthetic pecking order. At some point, they realize that they'll never be wanted, never be cherished, never be cared for. No man will look at them the way that men look at white and Asian girls. They'll never be delicate and graceful, never be truly happy, never be carefree. They see the cute, smart college girls, wearing well-fitting clothes and enjoying bright futures, pursuing their dreams and being pursued in turn. They look at their gaping pores and monkey-hands and frazzled hair and broad ape-noses, and they know in the pit of their stomach that there's a reason that their own men abandon them, there's a reason they get no swipes on tinder, there's a reason that black whores suck dick for crack while graceful, pretty white and Asian girls are courted by handsome, successful men.
In your rare moments of introspection and honest self-reflection, you realize that you never had anything resembling a chance. Your father, in the 25% of cases where he remained at your mother's side, was a good-for-nothing, violent imbecile. Your mother never read to you as a child; her main source of income was some kind of government welfare or menial government job (welfare by another name). You remember her long tirades on injustice, but don't remember her ever doing anything to make your life better, the way the parents of white and Asian kids do. You fail at everything you try, you get distracted, you lack discipline.
You suck air through your teeth. Why didn't your parents teach you these things as a child? All your mother taught you was how to be a victim, how to admire jewelery and shoes, how to lose your temper. You were taught to hate the police, but who suffers more from crime than the black man? Is it wise to always scowl and frown and insist that you 'stop snitchin' to protect your local child molester, your local pimp, your local drug dealer, your local murderer? (cont)

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You think of the whites, your hated oppressor, and listen to the diatribes against the evil of the white man, and wonder how true it all is. To hear your fellow blacks tell it, there is no depravity the whites won't stoop to, no harm they won't visit on your people. And yet, all the pro-bono lawyers that help your kin are white, and all those Red Cross workers distributing mosquito nets and antimalarials in West Africa are white, and when FLoyd was killed the whites rallied around and gave his family $35 million. Every white you meet seems punctilliously, almost masochistically kind. They deny any right to self-love or racial pride, even when you rub your racial tribalism in their face.
White children are always the sweetest, most hard-working, and most obedient in the class. White customers are the most polite and generous tippers. You know that in all-white neighborhoods nobody locks their doors, and there's virtually no violent crime. You hear that white police officers are out for blood, but when you see the violence and brutality of you neighborhood, you wonder if they aren't just defending themselves. Do they even kill blacks at higher rates than black cops do? Do they kill blacks at higher rates than black involvement in violence would predict? Nobody asks these questions, but you have a sense of the answer.
In your darkest moments, realize that your fellow blacks are your own worst enemy. The wickedness of the pale man pales in comparison to what blacks do to each other. The gentlest, most sincere efforts to help you have all been orchestrated by the whites. Blacks complain, and whites solve. Blacks die of thirst, and whites build aqueducts. You can't bear to think of why; you push the thought down into the recesses of your mind. (cont)

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And the lies! Every aspect of black culture is suffused with complete, irredeemable bullshit. Wakanda is the perfect metaphor for black excellence: fake nonsense made by whites that never existed, and would be awful if it did. Kwanzaa, your own little Hannukah: complete bullshit. George Floyd, swindler, thug, and home invader, immortalized as a saint: Bullshit. All those hard rappers talking about the streets from the comfort of middle-class suburbs: bullshit. Oprah blathering about oppression while hobnobbing with royalty: Bullshit. The directors of BLM complaining about the system as they buy $2m houses in LA: Bullshit. Will Smith, the perfect chad, cucked by his wife live on TV: Bullshit. Jussy Smolett faking a KKK attack: Bullshit. Obama saying that Trayvon could have been his son, while his daughters are chauffered around Harvard under armed guard: Bullshit. Bill Cosby, 'America's Dad', drugraping women: it's all bullshit.
As a boy you went along with it, either because you didn't know better or because it was profitable to do so. You can milk the pity train, and it's a good way to make whites shut up and give you money. But as time goes on, the weight of the bullshit starts to crush your soul. Little wonder that rap music is obsessed with 'keeping it real'. Every single black person in your life is a constant, inveterate liar. Everywhere you look you see fake outrage, crocodile tears, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Everybody knows why black schools fail, why blacks are targeted by the police, why black men are overrepresented in prisons. Everyone knows that black solidarity is a sick joke and that the black matrilineal family circus is a crimogenic nightmare. There isn't a single black that can't answer the question of why blacks fail, and yet you look around, and everyone is lying, pointing the finger at whitey. Everyone is pretending. Nobody keeps it real. It's all bullshit. (cont.)

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Nobody taught you work ethic. Nobody taught you humility. Nobody taught you love or compassion. You look down at your rotting body, your thick rolls of fat, your belaboured breathing: why weren't you fed well? Your mother spent hours watching television and chatting on the phone. Couldn't she have made you proper food? Why do white and Asian parents do so much for their children, while your own black parents did so little? Why did your young Black Life not Matter to them, your kith and kin? Why aren't you deserving of love? You remember your mother's angry screams and constant, childish outbursts. You remember hiding from her. You remember the countless strange men in the house, the loud music, the beatings, the assaults. Little wonder, when you look in the mirror, that you see a scowl. Even black infants scowl. All blacks know and all they teach is anger and hate. You think of the carefree, pure laughter of little white and Asian children. You've never experienced that. You never will.
And other secrets, unspoken but known by all blacks, doctors in black areas, and social workers: The incredible rates of fetal alcohol syndrome, of raped infants, of child beatings, of abandonment, of starvation. Everybody knows, but nobody speaks of these ills, carved into the flesh of the black by the black himself.
You never had a chance. God never gave you a chance. You wonder, at times, if there isn't some truth to the Curse of Ham. Why did God afflict you with this evil, dark flesh? Why does everything you touch turn to dust?
Being black is absolutely and utterly blackpilling.

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this nigga need some pussy on hes deeck dayuuum

so based :) i fucking hate niggers

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Please pray for me as I read all of this right wing own

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>Black's can't be incels
>Black's can't be robots
>Black's can't be NEETs
>states over 30+ reasons why being black is the absolute worse genetic dice roll there is.

I genuinely don't understand why self-improvers and others even try to prove life isn't deterministic when my race is the ultimate reason as to why I'm a failure.

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Its not your race its solely you
You were determined to be a loser by fate
There are Asians here and whites
The hilarious nature is you think they are winners because of their race
They are not
The only difference is is that 100 years ago you a Black could be lynch if you looked at a white woman the white bot would just get beat up if he was a creepy loser making eyes at someones sister

>its bleary, melanin-stained, red-rimmed eyes completely devoid of human compassion or empathy.

blacks have the highest rate of veganism out of any racial group in the USA. dont talk about compassion or empathy you hypocritical animal abusing retard. you kill and eat animals. dont talk to me about morals or compassion or empathy

look in the mirror if you want someone to criticize for being a shit immoral person

say what you will about niggers, but atleast someone of them care for the weak and for animals

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>You suck air through your teeth. Why didn't your parents teach you these things as a child?
>Your father, in the 25% of cases where he remained at your mother's side, was a good-for-nothing, violent imbecile.
>Nobody taught you work ethic. Nobody taught you humility. Nobody taught you love or compassion. You look down at your rotting body, your thick rolls of fat, your belaboured breathing: why weren't you fed well?
>Your mother spent hours watching television and chatting on the phone. Couldn't she have made you proper food? Why do white and Asian parents do so much for their children, while your own black parents did so little? Why did your young Black Life not Matter to them, your kith and kin? Why aren't you deserving of love?

So are you genuinely saying none of this played apart of my development as a human being, ontop of already having an abysmal IQ and other horrible genetic startups?

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Meant for, my bad I haven't gotten any sleep.

You literally explained in fine detail how being born black is a genetic death sentence.

Not a one you just got a shit fate
Theres some white trash kid whos got an equal or worse fate than you whos only boon is cops wont George Floyd you for a counterfeit 20

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>Theres some white trash kid whos got an equal or worse fate than you whos only boon is cops wont George Floyd you for a counterfeit 20
But that isn't the standard. They aren't born with a shitty IQ and horrible communities that hate them. Being born black but being self-aware about how shit it is to be black is the ultimate blackpill/curse. If you're a black robot it is pure suffering, nobody gives a fuck about you, not even your own. And if you lack social skills you're practically doomed.

No because there were beautiful blacks who make whites swoon and wet whites in America have jungle fever for blacks unless youre ugly and a nobody than youre nothing
Subjective beauty
These are the factors that determine whether you have a successful life and blacks are natural alphas having 2/3 which is why whites had to keep them from the trifecta because they could not compete your average white from the 1500s to now is worth absolutetly nothing

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Iq is a meme whites latch onto iq because the average white has no achievements to their name wasnt sievert so they need some arbitrary measure to show how better they are literally the participation trophy of intelligence measurement

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Blacks cannot advance past being violent and poor because of their average IQ being 75. It doesn't matter if they're in Haiti or Paris, France.

You say that like you didnt spend the exploration age murdering raping and looting

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>unless youre ugly and a nobody than youre nothing
Then a majority of us because we have the highest obesity rates and we're naturally predisposed to addictions and low discipline. If you're shit parent decided to feed you shit food as a kid you're screwed.
>blacks are natural alphas having 2/3
That doesn't disprove my point that if you're a black person who grew up in the environment you setup in your rant, you're more likely to just be a fucking loser by birthright.
>Everybody knows why black schools fail, why blacks are targeted by the police, why black men are overrepresented in prisons. Everyone knows that black solidarity is a sick joke and that the black matrilineal family circus is a crimogenic nightmare. There isn't a single black that can't answer the question of why blacks fail, and yet you look around, and everyone is lying, pointing the finger at whitey. Everyone is pretending. Nobody keeps it real. It's all bullshit.
>The black is always the bottom of the class; the black neighborhood is the filthiest and most dangerous of the city; the black region is the poorest of the country; and black countries are the poorest and most violent on the planet. The pattern never varies. To be black is to fail. To be black is to be ignorant, violent, and poor. The exceptions exist only in fiction, glittering Wakandas imagined and drawn by your condescending betters.
>Your mother never read to you as a child; her main source of income was some kind of government welfare or menial government job (welfare by another name).
>Your father, in the 25% of cases where he remained at your mother's side, was a good-for-nothing, violent imbecile.
>All your mother taught you was how to be a victim, how to admire jewelery and shoes, how to lose your temper.
>Nobody taught you work ethic. Nobody taught you humility. Nobody taught you love or compassion.

This isn't the standard for any other race but blacks. You made that very clear.

>Blacks cannot advance past being violent and poor because of their average IQ being 75. It doesn't matter if they're in Haiti or Paris, France.
So then you agree?

Who cares about arbitrary numbers humans are a self destructive species ruled by sociopaths put in place by mindless drones
Dont base your self worth on what any worthless members of our species homo sapien does were all equally worthless

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The people who created iq numbers bullshited the data /his/ breaks it down flynns numbers are bs and hes a fraud

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Then why make a post explaining how that isn't the case?

Because youre so desperate to get some white persons approval you pull the uncle ruckus routine hoping to at least get acknowledged as one of the good ones
Its pathetic even for robots

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I don't give a shit about his approval but I do give a shit about someone telling me that I'm not a robot loser autist because I'm not white.

/qway/ lost chud, get over it

My entire life I've only had this shithole board on this shithole site. My family is horrible, I live in a ghetto fucking shithole, I have no friends because I'm a nerd and I spent my development on the internet because it was the only escape I had. I've never had a girlfriend because no fucking girl wants a ugly, retarded, nerdy, low self-esteem black dude. This is legitimately the only place I have left, that and wizchan.