2Anons, please explain to me why you need pic related

2Anons, please explain to me why you need pic related.
I'm not against guns, I'm really not, but I'm struggling to understand why you would need more than a pistol or shotgun.
There's no justification for this besides

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Well if I were just living in my house and someone wanted to invade it chances are if they have bad intentions they will have something equivalent to that or better. It's not some hero story that I defied the odds I'm lucky to be alive and I deserve the best chance possible to repel invaders. They don't work alone, they work in teams. It's not like it's typically one person breaking in, it's multiple people.

Yes there is justification because once we let one go. The next shooting that is with a pistol, they will come for them too. Mass shooting don't happen nearly enough for me to give up any of my weapons. Not to mention we can't even stop drugs or illegals from crossing this border at all time highs. Do you expect me to believe rifles will not fall into the hands of criminals that are suddenly brave because they have more firepower than me the person that obeys laws?

What the fuck are you on about, let's just pretend I'm some bumpkin in my house which I mostly am. Why do I deserve to live less and live at the mercy of people meaning to do me harm? If I over powered them it was over whelming force. If I failed I'm dead and my family gets tortured, raped, and killed. They abuse and torture every living creature in the household. This isn't some honor bound pistol duel, these people invaded my home to do harm. They need to be expelled, and I need to ensure the safety of every living thing in this building. If it were suppose to be fair they wouldn't have done this in the first place.

I think virginia tech the one with the edgy chink had two pistols so it's already been done, but yeah they'll still go for those too

The right to bear arms means in allowed to own nuclear arms and is written in stone, like the 18th amendment was.

Most shooting happen with a pistol. They don't care about the rifle. They want all guns banned and they see this as opportunity.
>if they give up one, they will give up all of them.
Shall not be infringed. It's written and that is the hill we must die on.

Do you not watch the news or something? That kid in Uvalde was in that school for an hour shooting elementary schoolers and the cops didn't do a fucking thing. You want them to be the only people with serious-business rifles? The people who just sit there and watch your babies die if there's even one ounce of risk to themselves?

I mean, those of us who were paying attention started buying in after cops stood around and did nothing for most of 2020, but this recent incident should've woken even you idiots up.

A more formidable weapon makes me more formidable and, therefore, safer. Nothing else to it.

The reason 2A exists is to give the people a fighting chance against a tyrannical government. So, the people must have access to similar weapons the average foot solider would have. This comes with a heavy cost, mass shootings are tragic, but tyrannical governments have butchered millions in the past. Thus its worth the price. Additionally, rifles (all rifles not just ARs) make up only about 2% of weapons used in homicides, hands and feet make up 4%. It's not as big a deal as the media makes it out to be. Personally, I think they're cool and fun to shoot. The AR-15 has pretty light recoil, so your shoulder won't be sore after 50 rounds. I'm responsible with my firearms. I'm not going to commit mass murder. Why should I be punished for someone else actions?

Because I deserve rights and the right to self defense is inalienable

No reason required because good people don't need laws and bad people don't obey them. If you don't understand that, you can think about it also as using the most effective tool (a good carbine) for the most important job (not dying). Handicapping yourself is the most ridiculous concept in existence. Furthermore, the Right to Bear Arms was SPECIFICALLY INTENDED to provide the People with weapons of equal ability to the government. It's the Right of the People to own and bear arms. Not even small arms, at that; civilian warships with rows of cannon were a literal thing and it placed the civilians on equal footing with the Government, as the 2nd amendment intended. Not only should we own AR-15s, we should own full auto ones with sound suppressors and grenade launchers.

But noooooooooooooo absolute fucking retards like you get brainwashed by the media into cucking yourself and others just so we can all be further exploited by a tyrannical government. Man, go fuck yourself.

Ever see bodycam footage where a cop magdumps his Glock into a guy and he's still up? Most pistols are pretty mediocre at actually killing people in a timely fashion. Sure, if you want more stopping power you can get a larger caliber, but then you're compromising on mag capacity.
Shotguns are a lot better at putting someone down, but are honestly worse than rifles when it comes to home defense. Mag capacity, accuracy, rate of fire are all lower and concerns about overpenetration are worse. Modern rifles are the ideal for a home defense scenario in most cases.
And also they're for resisting government tyranny, not just home defense, so there are a whole bunch of reasons to want a rifle for that.

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So I can kill people who work for the government.

Simple as

if shit goes to hell and there's no more police I want to be able to shoot the bad guys before they kill me and rape my gf

Why not? Not a gun owner but if people want to own them I see no problem, people can go stabbing others with knives, or poking eyes out with forks, shoot them with bows etc

Why make a big deal out of a gun?

I personally believe guns shouldn't be alowed to be used for normal B and E, its lame

That is true, give an inch and normies use that to take a yard

Please explain to me why I shouldn't have one. Then please explain to me why I should read your argument about why I shouldn't have one. Then hang yourself.

CAN someone please explain to me why peoiple get so worked up about school shootings? Theres about 50 MILLION, yes thats 50,000,000 5-17 year olds in america

If 15 die in a shooting thats 3e-05% , like thats such a small price to pay and is well worth it

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it's not called the bill of needs. i don't need my guns. i have them because i want them. also becasue fuck you.

No one needs to post assault speech on r9k yet here we are