95% of women dont care if youre unnatractive so why even bother wasting money on gym membership

95% of women dont care if youre unnatractive so why even bother wasting money on gym membership

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According to who?

Guy in pic. Just bee yourself

>lifting for women
yes goy, don't waste your money on a gym membership, spend it on alcohol, weed, videogames and television instead

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I lift for guys. Idk what girls think about my body

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>Just bee yourself bro

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that’s cope. the difference between pussy coming effortlessly and not having to work for it vs. jestermaxxing and having to convince women to fuck you is astounding

>the difference between pussy coming effortlessly and not having to work for it vs. jestermaxxing and having to convince women to fuck you is astounding

Yup, it's actually why I don't bother. I don't mind talking to women and saying hi or whatever, but the effort of constantly trying to entertain them is annoying.

>95% of women dont care if youre unnatractive

It is always a Chad 9/10 who says shit like this!

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bee free

according to attractive men

11 times out of 10 would I choose to lead a free life than to have some dumb roastie hold me back because I'm desperate for pussy.

He is kind of right. As long as you're not a complete slob you're good

>"Haha just be urself brah chicks dont care about looks" - Chad Thundercock

If it were only that simple. It's so, so, SO much easier to get women if you just look better. The level of effort drops significantly when you reach that point.

He's right though. As in, 95% of women literally don't care about you if you're unattractive

and this

Offtopic, back to r9k you go


i mean depends how you play these words lol

>This meme again
Looks matter, saying it does isn't some incel shit it's just how the world works. It's not le blackpilled or whatever just don't be a retard and make your SMV as high as you can, it's not worth not trying. No need to have an over correction.

>95% of women don't care if you're unattractive, says fit handsome man

Dude you just gotta like be yourself man, your looks don't matter at all. Trust me, I know all about it, my looks haven't gotten me anywhere with the ladies.

Alright now I got to ask: how do I know if I'm some ugly ass dude?
I just... See my balding head and like it. For some reason.
I watch myself and see a nice man.
I take pictures of me and don't see deformities. Videos maybe I walk like an autistic fuck but who doesn't?

Amy sure way to know?

for me personally i wouldn’t have known if women didn’t compliment me all the time

usually someone you know asking why you don't have a girlfriend. if you're ugly they won't ask.

Same. I feel logically that I must be unattractive just based on never having had a women even remotely show any kind of interest. But when I look in the mirror I smile instinctively and find myself thinking "damn, I look pretty good." I don't feel like I lack confidence or that the confidence doesn't show outwardly. I don't see any reason why a woman wouldn't find me attractive, and yet they don't.

I honestly wonder if maybe I'm legitimately crazy and everyone else immediately picks up on it when looking at me and I'm incapable of realizing it myself.

>95% of women dont care if youre unnatractive

Unfortunately, the 5% of women you want to fuck DO care how attractive you are.

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