If this were a man tattooing "pussy slayer" you wouldn't cringe, would you?

If this were a man tattooing "pussy slayer" you wouldn't cringe, would you?

Attached: 1653858872631.jpg (640x800, 56.58K)

>Rethink this. Mod out.

We would but it's even more cringe for a woman to do this since sex isn't even something women have to strive for so it's a bit like bragging about how much air you're breathing.

>you wouldn't cringe
Ink is always cringe-worthy, but pussyslayer would be full fremdscham time.
Also fuck you for showing that blob of fat

I would cringe either way, and I would cringe even harder at that goober typing all that shit out without getting paid a dime

Why is reddit so far disconnected from reality?

>community gal
kek, it would have been less painful to get "town bike"

Are those tattoos or her list of wishes to Santa?

good one m8 with regards and best wishes

Attached: 4567423467342.jpg (365x348, 30.59K)

>They think because they have a little green shield icon people respect them

This is the guy telling you to lower your standards and try to get a fat woman to go on a date with you

All of reddit is predicated on the fact that women cannot do any harm and are owed the special treatment simply for being born women. Sure, I'd say that in some cases that is true, but Reddit takes this thought to the extreme, in your average redditors mind women can do no wrong.

Pretty sure this is a trans woman by the way. Ive seen it before under that context.

I do not believe this is real. Give me a link or a thread name because there is no way this was unironically posted.

I want this to be fake but, I know r*ddit is so faggy it probably isnt. Is there a link for this?

A fat whale who also felt the need to tattoo all that trash on her body says far too much about her life overall

If I saw a many with "pussy slayer" tattooed on him I don't care if he was four times my size and could break me half with a threatening stare, I would be compelled to attack him.

Well, most of its posts come from US air force base Elgin. It's propaganda top to bottom.

I mean I'm pretty sure the appropriate reaction to both is
>Oh no nono ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Always the dumpy disgusting fat fucking pig girls who are like this.


to be fair the person in OP's image is being satirical, this is from a subreddit that typically shits on other redditors. that being said there are likely many on reddit who would unironically agree.