Women get into incelcore

>women get into incelcore
>women rush into brapcore
>femoids go gamer
>femoids destroy retro gaming
>femoids try to get into priesthood

For fucks sake can't a man have a place to call his own? Even faggots are being harassed by femoids "wanting to join", this shit is fucking ridiculous

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Just get into hobbies that are women repellent

why do femoids never want to join in with me tho

That's literally what I've been doing by the past 10 years and the cycle fucking starts all over again. Women only migrate to destroy whatever I happen to love at the time

Solo hobbies
Get into motorcycling. Only other motorcyclists are old men and their wives. Zero young women into motorbikes, zero drama

my hobby is to play with tools and machines alone in my shed, I fail to see how women doing the same thing somewhere else is going to affect me.
social hobbies are for soys and wahmen.

Get into machining or woodworking, barely any women. You can get a lathe for relatively cheap.

>Women only migrate to destroy
How does women happening to have the same hobbies as you = it being destroyed?

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You're that neighbour who starts blasting away with his air tools the moment the clock hits 09:00 aren't you

No user, I've been working constant nightshifts since like february. There's a special circle in hell for those people who start angle grinding at 7 AM.

women don't actually care about whatever shit you're in to. they do things for attention, always have and always will.

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i doubt me being into anime and video games since age 10 was just for attention, especially considering i had no interest in boys or dating until i was like 18-19.
>t. queen of degradation and destroyer of moid hobbies

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well you see the problem is the barrier of entry into those is nonexistent

you need to get into something like yachting or motorsports, that way the only way to get to you is well, through you, and if one does manage to infiltrate your space you can simply go hide on your boat or in your garage

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except when you were 10 you weren't a "woman"

Just go gay. Are you stupid?

media consumption is not a hobby

getting into new hobbies as a teen vs. an adult isn't that different. sure, some adults do it to get men or women, but i doubt any woman is spending her time infiltrating, say, dnd circles if she doesn't like playing.

playing video games can definitely be a hobby. but it depends on the game. for example, are you playing tekken, or some cinematic game anyone could finish in 6 hours?

ID starts with 6 and ends with 9, good 'nuff 4 me

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Just a dude buying my web history

>images (1).png

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