Is the blackpill low-key mainstream among young men?

Is the blackpill low-key mainstream among young men?

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I hope so. The more trans, the better.

its gobbled up wholeheartedly as long as people dont think they are getting blackpilled facts from an incel.

Yes. The subreddit r/dataisbeautiful banned any "relationship"(aka blackpilling) data for this reason. Normies are starting to wake up.

You can explain this by the rise of obesity and people spending time at home. Yes, its harder when you dont grow up correctly. Thats how cause and effect work. I have literally heard some incels say they dont even go to bars.

Why do you think there's so many zoomers and young men here? Even normies are struggling with it. It's just not talked about IRL or around your group of friends because they're all trying to maintain their "image"

like 50% of young men in 2022 are sexless compared to 10% in the 90s, its getting to be a significant issue. I see above average guys dating fat landwhales now

Why does everything people believe have to be based on some shitty matrix reference? There never was a blue pill, it is just a strawman, nobody has ever believed that shit. And woman being more sexually selective is just observable common sense same with attractiveness being important, its written in Greek mythology from thousands of years ago that being attractive is important. In that sense, the black pill has always been mainstream ,it just didn't matter if everyone was made to be in a monogamous relationship.

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almost every subreddit has banned anything even remotely blackpilled at all. im honestly surprised purplepilleddebate is even allowed to operate since they go over a ton of blackpills there all the time.

Funny this is that every economic blackpill discussion is voted to the top. Most of my generation will work until we die alone in a rented room. We are going all in on crypto so that we can buy a starter home someday, while dumpster diving for necessities. Getting me dick sucked is the least of my worries.

Yeah, everyone acknowledges it, but it isnt discussed

Thoae psycho ekarens are only shooting themselves in the foot. Literally anyone who criticizes a woman for even the smallest thing gets labeled an incel. If you even say basic shit like "looks matter" some fat dyke will manifest and tell you your an incel.
>tee hee found the incel guys
Fucking retards don't understand how obnoxious they are making themselves look.

The worst part is They can't even Provide counter arguments they literally operate almost entirely by begging mods to delete "incel posts".

>nobody has ever believed that shit
I get told bluepilled shit all the time by boomers.

I never got either side of the blackpill debate, the soys denying that anything but good behavior gets you girls and the blackpillers making out that it's revolutionary new knowledge. People have known about women liking shitty men and looks being important since the Ancient Greeks, it's really not news.

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"Manlet" and "Chad" are Any Forums incel terms that I hear my little niece in high school using now. She literally refers to guys as manlets and chads, I'm not fucking with you. It's mainstream in the youth for sure.

Any Forums memes and vernacular always end up becoming widespread after awhile. even boomers are using wojaks and chad pictures now.

True story.
When arguing with liberals if you take away just a few of their go to buzzwords like "incel", "racist", or "entitled" and asked them to talk like a normal person, they would sound like an incoherent idiot.
A person at my work started using Chad and based without me ever saying it to them.

Its just as high for women too

it's perpetually news as long as the mainstream downplays it. most likely it'll still be news when we're dying of old age. why would it change? simps who put women on a pedestal run the world.

This. The only people that get remembered are breeders. Nobody ever talks about the incels who did a bunch of acid and died virgins in the 1960s. There arent even any statistics on them

No one talks about men in the Great Depression who would walk into the wilderness, sometimes with other men, and just drink themselves into a stupor every day until they died.

>only thing people care about is money
>non-sex havers don't spend money

This is literally how I live with my friends, all of whom are mentally ill and low value like me. We just get drunk in the woods every day.

Every man who's smart and sane will eventually need to inebriate himself every day in the modern world.

What height would your sister consider a "manlet"