Does careermaxxing work for getting a hot gf? I don't mean making $200k as a SWE (girls think that's lame)...

Does careermaxxing work for getting a hot gf? I don't mean making $200k as a SWE (girls think that's lame), I mean making $125k as a pilot, banker, or lawyer (jobs girls think are cool and can pay well).

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hmmm... just lie?

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I don't care about one night stands though, I want a hot gf who I can date for months at minimum. You can't have a long term relationship last if you lie about your job.

but they are just shallow whores, might as well get them for free

It works if it's part of a several step process to have a nice job you're passionate about, be a charming, interesting person with varied hobbies, and take care of yourself physically and mentally

I don't understand wagecucks who use their career to get women and give money to them. It's the ultimate form of simping and being a cuckold.
Is it really worth it only being wanted for your money and status? I dunno.

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kys swe make more and are still truecels, bones are all that matter

A girl liking a guy for his status is no more shallow than a girl liking a guy for his looks.
Girls care about more than money. How cool your job is matters too. Swes make the most, but it's also a really lame job, which is why other jobs have higher value to women even with lower salaries. Most women would rather date a lawyer making 100k than a swe making 250k simply because they can tell their friends 'I'm dating a lawyer' instead of sheepishly having to say 'I'm dating a programmer who works at NVIDIA'.

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wild Brooke, remember those days? I do..

women would rather date a man with chad looks than anything so what you work as is irrelevant all that matters is height and facial bones

Chad looks mean fuck all if you don't provide status or money

Make $400k as a specialist MD. Avoid any jobs that make you drive a deal all day long, pay for hair transplants, buy a great trainer, and get leg lengthening surgery.

Looks > personality > status. Really you're a composite of those things to women. If you're 4+/10 with a passable personality you can get a 7/10 gf if you have a high status job. Seems worth it to me. Not to mention making a lot of money has benefits other than a hot gf. Plus, the older girls get, the more they care about job status/money. The reason only looks matter in college is because everyone is equal status (student). Things seriously change in early and mid 20s.
I'd have to go back to undergrad to become an MD, I'd be in my early 30s by the time I graduated med school, not to mention residency etc. On the other hand if I play my cards right I could have a big law job by 29. The choice is clear to me. Could also go into finance, but I have more personal interest in law, and due to my gpa and resume gap I'd have to grind up to a good finance job anyways so I'd be late 20s before I had a high status finance job anyways (same as law).

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finally good advice

29 yo and got a raise to $125k/yr this year (soon to be worthless monopoly money anyways though). Closet I've come is a woman flaking on me 3 times in a row.
This idea that you just need to keep improving and then women will like you is a toxic mentality. I'm not saying don't improve (it's certainly made my life better even though no luck with women), because there will always be one more bloody thing 'helpful' strangers on the internet will tell you to do. I don't know what the right way to go about things is, but obviously this misses the mark. Over the past 5 years:
>got a PhD in STEM field
>started dressing nicer
>got a good job I enjoy
>moving up the corporate ladder
>started playing a musical instrument
>bought a house
>took up several new hobbies involving physical activity
>lost 20 pounds
>started going to church every Sunday
>joined church choir and volunteer whenever there's a chance
I refuse to give up hope and am trying to figure out why I fail. But it's not that just need to buy a fancy car, get more ripped, or any other 'helpful' suggestion.

You have to honestly ask yourself what's missing. Are your looks seriously below part? Do you have a bad or boring personality? Like I said, imo girls mainly care about looks, personality, and status. If you're already looks and careermaxxed, then the only missing piece is personality if you haven't gotten a gf yet. Either that or you aren't meeting/asking out enough girls.

It sounds dumb, but something simple that many robots are missing is the balls to escalate with girls and not simp for them. Girls want to be led and have guys take the initiative to sexually escalate. They don't want to hold your hand through the relationship.

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Bumpingg originally

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No matter what you do there will always be a Chad just as capable as you or more, except he has features you can't just work for.

>Does having more resources and power help for attracting women

Yes, duh.

People dont' really know the importance of money until they're being fucked over by someone and notice the gaps in the law. Money acts a deterrence for being fucked with, and in shithole countries it's common knowledge that its the lower to middle class that are the most brutalized by crime. They don't have the financial resources to get legal help and they don't have the criminal ties to get illicit help, so they just have to take it.

This is obscured by modern society a bit but it still comes into effect. If anything happens you want to have $10,000 to throw at a court case to fuck the guy over. If you're a broke wagie you often come out the loser even if you're in the right

I'm not looking for a 9/10 gf, but a 7+/10. Ofc I'll never be able to compete with the 8/10 guy who has a big law job. However, I can compete for the 7/10 girl with the 7/10 guy who has a 50k wagie job if I'm a 4/10 with a big law job. The bottom line is that most women care about status/money and trying to devalue this relative to looks is dumb. Women dating for status/money is no more shallow than women dating Chad for looks.
I'm more asking for personal anecdotes. Ironically most people who successful escaped r9k via careermaxxing won't be here anymore to reply, but yeah.

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I'm certainly not sculpted like a Greek god, but people less attractive with less money get women no problem. The problem always seems to be this vague "good personality" term. What constitutes 'boring?' What is boring to one could be exciting to others. It's funny as I was typing that I remembered an incident from 5 years ago. I had some friends over to my apartment, including one of my friend's girlfriend. After we'd all been drinking my homemade whiskey I remember her saying "you have such a well decorated apartment that contrasts your boring personality user.". But what makes someone's personality boring? Are niche hobbies considered boring, and only normie hobbies interesting?

>Does careermaxxing work for getting a hot gf?

No. Women don't care about money beyond how much of it they can spend. Women only care about 2 things. How special and unique you can make they feel and how good a fuck you are. Every other consideration is secondary. It is absolutely crucial that you understand women do not think and behave like men. You need to get out of your head in a profound way to understand how and what women care about.

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It's perceived risk tolerance. Women are basically mentally children who want to feel excited, they also want someone else (aka their bf) to take the lead. If they date a boring guy, their life will be boring. Basically if it seems like you're walking on eggshells when talking to them, they extrapolate that to your entire personality and life, and assume you're boring, and therefore a bad option for a bf.

Ironically the most success I've had with women is when I gave zero fucks and just said whatever was on my mind. When I like a girl and carefully choose all my words I bore them and get ghosted.

Women feel special by virtue of a high status guy 'picking' them. Same reason they hate when ugly guys hit on them.

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Status will get you attention but not affection, otherwise Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos wouldn't be divorced now would they?