What happened to the white male?

What happened to the white male?

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What am I supposed to be inferring here?

99.3% of child porn offenders were male
83.3% of pedophiles are white

its because black people are more like animals / normalfaggots. theyre less advanced. they can't pick up weird perverse behaviour asides from understandable ones. its why they cant be robots either.

Another victim of male feminism: incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#Age

Attached: agepill.png (1072x360, 90.78K)

I wonder how many of these white men arrested for CP are actually (((fellow))) white men? Keep in mind; there's tons of shit in the Talmud that greenlights child rape and American "whites" are objectively less white than Slavs, yet American categories stare them as white.

Nobody cares what an Ivan thinks

>52% of men found 4-10 year olds attractive
That's how I know you're full of shit

there's no need to put any of that shit in caps. it's commonly known rich and famous people fuck young teenage girls, it's only if you do something wrong to go against them that you would ever get in trouble for it. Epstein probably threatened to take down or expose others. Notice how no one else got in trouble for it

Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein instantly went from successful Jews to evil white men pretty quickly. So I would say it is significant.

not caps, parenthesis*

I wonder how many offenders arent caught.

Also lots of teen girl lie about their age and send nudes to men, then those men are considered "pedos" because they jerked off to pic of a 15-17 year old that looks indistinguishable from a 20 year old woman.

>American "whites" are objectively less white than Slav(e)s

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Look up studies on unreported childhood rape among black African women committed by a family member. It will surprise the hell out of you. They are the most victimized group of children in the country.

Most Black people just can't use computers so they rape instead

CP is how the feds take out whites, with blacks and mexicans they can just watch them for a few hours and arrest them when they commit a crime.

Niggers cant figure out how to use the internet.

Im not trying to bash white guys, I am one of em. I just wonder how many felons are wandering around uncaught.

Hurr durr whiteys r pedos

How many of those men were white and how many were ((white))?