Why is the modern day female so EXPOSED in society?

Have you ever noticed this phenomenon wherein the modern day female is truly EXPOSED in society?
I have spent many a day out on my front porch observing the females that pass by me, and I notice with each passing day they just get more and more exposed.
>Yoga pants
>Booty shorts
Truly, this degeneracy has not gone unnoticed. Not only have I noticed this behavior myself, but many senior women in the community have noticed it as well. Those women who are 80 years or older, who were raised on old fashioned ideas like morality, are also observing the younger females' behavior, and becoming disturbed.
Even more disturbing than the adult females' immodesty is that of the children. Young mothers are indeed raising their daughters to be proud whores, getting them on tights and ankle exposing dresses early on. I even heard that they're taking their daughters to Drag Queen Story Hour, to learn whoredom from transgenders. Surely, if this continues, society will collapse into the abyss.

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not for you, chad only

wasnt there like some prophecy about clothed women appearing naked in quran or something?

it's just the preference of a modern female
i know a few girls that look decent despite not wearing clothes that expose their body so much
it's just that the amount of women that are borderline whores is abnormally high these days

I like it, thats why

It's like an arms race for being desirable. Male interest basically shows how desirable you are, and women have come up with more and more ways to boost their self-confidence and ranking among other women with male interest.

there's something to that extent in every belief system. Humanity has gone through periods of degeneracy like this countless times over. Prophecies weren't just unfounded visions, they were made using pattern recognition and deep knowledge of the cycles that govern this world. Know the past, and you too can see the future.

my dear femoid, i'am positively suprised by your knowledge and understanding of things, i want to point out what you said "women have come up with more and more ways to boost their self-confidence and ranking among other women with male interest".... How about we start talking about "us" as in family, instead of men vs women, or women vs women, how about we start accepting that we are one body called humanity trying to insert itself into the space that is universe...

I want that to be me so badly...

I love your wishes, i hope you succeed

Because women are by default whores. When they are given freedom from accountability and consequences, they enter into an arms race against their peers, progressively pushing the envelope, normalizing their degeneracy incrementally.

If Mary is wearing tight-fitting clothes, and getting easy attention by the guys, then Sarah will start wearing tight-fitting clothes to compete. They get high on the attention and validation, it's very close neurochemically to a porn addiction for males (D1 motivational salience).
Very soon, the "group" is tacitly and implicitly shaming the women that are not dressing and acting like whores. So, there are many women that conform not for the attention primarily, but out of fear of ostracization.
When women are treated like adults, they proceed to destroy structured societies within a couple of generations. Always.

it's called competition, it's why men try to stay fit and have lean body mass(abs), it's how evolution works, to filter out the lazy trash, why women try to seduce the most fit/rich men.

because society has degraded. because a young teen girl these days was impressioned on britney and kesha type shit all throughout childhood and then got instagram for middle school and tiktok for high school. it's all fucking chinese brain poison and it's all worked. all anyone gives a shit about is memes and casual sex. don't let anyone on this shitty fucking board lie either, if they had the social skills or motivation to reinvent themselves they would play the fucking game too.
It's the level in the game western capitalism is at. Pushing the limit of the hedonism stat for fun because fuck it we have already beat essential survival, despite the poor people who grow up in a welfare state or abused and develop either the deepest daddy issues you have ever seen or the highest sense of entitlement you have ever seen regardless of how easy it can be to live a simple life.

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ahh.... the digits of truth...

Yeah, evolution certainly favored promiscuous women. That's why the hymen is still a thing, even though it serves no evolutionary purpose. Retard.

Men's entire gamut of mating strategies revolve around minimizing the risk of paternity fraud. Mate guarding, low investment, control and possessiveness, insemination of as many proceptive females in the environment, infanticide, feticide.

Promiscuous women throughout the millennia were only sp successful as their ability to obfuscate their promiscuity, ie strategic pluralism.

Guess I really am a prophet of my time

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imagine your life, we're you're pampered because of your biological circumstances to reproduce the species, that has let you be born and witness the joys of being both physicaly and mentaly cherished becouse you bare the most important duty of us all, to see our children grow up...

Sexy women lived becouse they were guarded, everything else was at the chopping block 24/7, we exist becouse we are the children of the elite, the poeple that survied the plague's and genocides...

We've been engaging in loose-monogamy for at least the last 120,000 years, evinced by mDNA and Y-DNA assays, and persistence of heterozygous recessive alleles.

You are a mental midget that should practice humility.

learn to read brainless faggot, neither monogomy nor polygamy was mentioned, we are the soup of history of untold/unheard peoples that lived solely to survive by any means necesary, before meanings like rape, murder, promiscuity, infanticide, feticide, or strategy existed, you fucking infantile peace of steamy wet turd....

In mating paradigms that monogamy is practiced, extremely genetically fit males do not grossly outperform. Au contraire, the males that employ the highest degrees of provision and parental investment boast the greatest generational reproductive success.

That refutes your argument about humanity being the children of the elite.

There were only 2 great genetic bottlenecks in our history as homo sapiens sapiens. Both near-extinction events manifested in mitochondrial DNA bottlenecks, whereas Y-DNA has been completely replaced several times throughout our history.

That completely refutes your assertion about humanity being the ancestors of the few that survived plagues and genocides. There have been zero plagues or genocides that significantly changed our mating practices, our DNA makeup, or our evolutionary imperatives. Outside the delta32 mutation and lactase persistence, there have been zero pronounced changes in the last 10,000 years.

Never belief the "it's comfortable" meme. They wear 'pants' that ride up their cheeks so they can flex their pussy on Chad.

Ive literally seen this happen before