You WILL pay the virgin tax

You WILL pay the virgin tax

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Are you chinese?
Stop eating dogs

NEETs don't pay taxes. Only independent working women pay that shit for their makeup.

>spend more money on bullshit you fucking swine!!! get married, spend more!!
>buy buy buyb uby bubybhubyubbyu!!!

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didn't Rome implement a bachelor tax shortly before it fell? I think I can speak for every man this would affect when I say that avoiding foids and their evils is more than worth a small tax, and this would never compel me to actually waste my life trying to pursue w*men. Neither carrot nor stick will force me to have a relationship with a female.

It's weird this isn't implemented in western countries already. It would do little to fight singleness, though.

Women take like 80% of your income in a relationship. I didn't pull this number out of my ass, 80% of consumer spending comes from women. So until this tax exceeds that amount, marriage is a no.

if anything it would encourage me to get a lower minimum wage job so I contribute as little as possible in taxes, maybe even just live on welfare

Some user in another thread told me it was just a cover to tax the poor. But bachelor taxes have cropped up elsewhere. This is the first one I'm aware of that targeted women as well as men. And of course Guardian is only interested in women's rights, as usual.

That's a lot of words to say that you're gay. Nice trips tho faggot

It's not about being gay, it's about how women are nowadays

the only based part about this is that foids start getting taxed 5 years before men

This. Everytime this sort of thing gets implemented it just makes everyone turn on the presiding government responsible for it. You're actively telling people to suffer or suffer so no shit it's a move equivalent to shooting your own foot. You want people to get married more and produce more and make better families you make their lives better so they will actually perform human functions rather than being depressed and unarousable sacks of shit eating your resources.
This is why socialist anything is hard doomed to failure it relies on concepts that simple don't and never will exist and no amount of imaginary fluffy words and patriotism will ever solve actually existing problems and issues.

Most people there are already very poor. Because of the demographic imbalances there are many millions of men that will never find anyone. Also women are 10x more hypergamous then they are in the west because they're in higher demand. Really have no idea how China has not collapsed yet

Sounds like you are either unlucky or live in some really shallow culture. All my ex's and fuck friends have been lovely people. Maybe one of them was a bit fucked up, but 1/30 isn't really an issue

i unironically hope they start implementing this in the USA so the country dies quicker

>all my ex's and fuck friends
This is exactly why.

Why would you need money if you have no family ? Based chinks.

>t. on Any Forums because the boredom from a few months of lockdown (((((broke)))))) him now he posts here to annoy losers in his down time

That's exactly what? Be more specific

Is China really the place that should be doing this? They already have too many fucking people as it is, and that was with having the single child policy up until relatively recently. Why would they encourage having more?

India is the place that should be doing this.

I lost my train of thought for a moment but I meant India should have the single child policy and maybe Japan should be the one trying to up the population numbers using financial threats.

Pretty much but im not broke and I used to lurk this place 10 years ago. This site is such a shit hole now but at least you miserable fucks make me feel a bit better

also mathematically the gender ratio is so fucked that it is literally impossible for millions of chinese men to ever avoid this tax even if every single female married a different man tomorrow

Women today are disloyal and promiscuous, that is why you have so many ex's and even fuck friends.

that's just setting your country up for a demographic collapse

>women's rights

>HUMAN rights
lol. lmao even.

>China shouldn't do this, brown China should
lol, besides it's not feasible for either country considering the gender imbalances in both countries, they just want to tax men, it's that simple.

Maybe it's a sign a weakness, when I don't know what to say

The problem is they have an aging demographic and not enough children. Like, yes, there are too many people in China. But they're all 30+, and in the next few decades China is going to have an insane amount of old people to support with barely any young workers to actually keep the country turning.
It's an incredibly serious issue that could collapse the nation, and I wouldn't be surprised if in a decade from now the Chinese government starts pushing propaganda to make citizens amenable to executing the elderly before doing a mass purge.

We can begin to know it. How much we really care

>Why would they encourage having more?
Because they had a massive baby-boom between the 50s-70s cause by a rapid rise in healthcare, followed by rapidly decreasing birth rates caused by a rapid increase in living standards. The people who were born during the baby boom are now retiring. Guess what happens when you have a society with more retirees than workers.

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Yeah would have made more sense I guess. Raising the living standard of people seem to be the best bet tho. Japan and the West is proof of this. If you don't need to get 8 kids cuz of child mortality and pension ect

>make citizens amenable to executing the elderly before doing a mass purge.
God I wish I could do this. The elderly are the niggers of age. If you are elderly and can't live on your own income and rely on welfare programs, you should be euthanized for being the reason I lose 30% of every paycheck. Fuck socialism security.

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside.... I'd buy a big house where, we both could live

Uhm, no. I broke up with all of them except one.

>pushing propaganda to make citizens amenable to executing the elderly before doing a mass purge.

The same thing is going on in Japan with their elderly, which reminds me of a Japanese movie called Plan 75 that's going to come out soon, the plot is very close to what you've mentioned.

That doesn't change a thing.

It really does. They where wonderful people, still are.

So give me fucking arranged marriages

To me in a healthy society such laws are not necessary. They only become so when women become of such low caliber or the consequences of divorce rape/child support are so high that men actively avoid women. How is this going to help? Stealing people's resources when they're young is going to hurt rather than help them start a family.
Demographic collapse in a vacuum in a great thing, more space, rooms to rent, better paying jobs, cheaper rent, cheaper goods, everything is better. It's only when you invite millions in per year that shit goes awry. I can't imagine anyone walks about in America today and goes, "There's just not enough people fucking everywhere".

Whores, all of them.

It is in germany

Sounds like you met some pretty horrible people and make assumptions about the population based on your anecdotal experience.
I'm sorry some pretty girls was mean to you in school. Maybe you shouldn't have tried to confess to the prom queen on your first try or what ever

This is going to be hilarious: why do you think so many people are single nowadays to the point there are taxes being made against it?