TFL is real

True Forced Loneliness is as real as it can be. Literally no one makes plans with me and if they do, they flake in the last second.
Don't BS me that you are always busy or something comes up, literally everyone is doing something with someone.
And the same niggers will meet other people in the time period they are telling me that they can't meet with me bc they are busy.
And even if I am a part of a group, they always make me feel lonely and secluded, don't talk to me, ignore me, etc.
The same normies will tell me it's okay to be alone and other people only mean trouble and problems. JFL.

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Maybe you're just one of those people whose difficult to love user

>whose difficult to love user

you're a creepy racist, that's why no one likes you

Maybe, but IDK why that is, probably autism though. Either way, TFL is real for some and there's nothing we can do about it.
It's difficult to just forget about wanting those things, since they are basically pretty basic needs.

>Blame the victim mentality
In the same time complete assholes, narcissists, actual racists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the center of attention.
Commit sudoku, normgroid.

You are an actual racist.

>Zero reading comprehension
>Ignorant to 99% of information that doesn't fit their narrative
>IQ lower than BMI

>why does nobody like me?
>spends the rest of the thread whining

You are not a victim, you did this to yourself.
Relinquish your ego and accept that your negativity is a shield to help you avoid tough decisions and personal growth.

You're not missing out on much. But i fixed my loneliness with social hobbies.

>Being completely broken because of years of seclusion, lack of empathy or any social contact because people reject you without you giving them any good reason while being literally like them just more sympathetic

Years of bad behavior and racism?

you just keep going lmao

i can see why you're not liked

>Blame the victim some more
Yeah I see your game and it's not working. I have normie gaslighting resistancy skill. If you think I will feel bad or actually start seeing myself as the problem, you are wrong but hey, you can try again.

You're the one blaming the victims though.

Do you mean the victims of suffering him?

The victims of his evil. You don't need to justify it, he got what he wanted out of it.

I'm blaming assholes, sociopaths, psychopaths who reject me if I'm nice to them. That's it. I know you will not sleep well tonight because I exposed the evil nature of Neurotypicals like yourself.

That just means you're blaming yourself. Why don't you stop being an asshole and go vibe with normal people?

You believe you are owed something just because you want it. You sound like an entitled child. When was the last time you apologised for a mistake? Or accepted that you may be wrong about something?

The most self destructive behaviours always come from the ego, when it cannot get what it wants. Relinquish your ego and come back, and then people might be able to help you.

Sounds like you need new friends, try going out to hobbies you enjoy and find like minded individuals. (You may be autistic too which doesn't help with social ques/ reading the room so I would recommend just chilling out at times and observing the room)-from experience

i wouldn't know anything about that. i only socialize with other neuroqueers

>You believe you are owed something just because you want it. You sound like an entitled child.
Then you are not owed anything either, not food, not water, any rights or even security. I can rape a woman because she shouldn't feel entitled to safety from anyone (either defending her or not attacking her).

That's literally true and you would get punished for it, but at least people will finally see who you really are. There's a reason incels are hated so much.

>That's literally true and you would get punished for it
Aaaah so certain things are allowed and certain are punished... Okay, thank you normalfag for proving my point.

>evil is punished
Your point is that you made bad, incel mentality choices and don't want to be held responsible. All the feminist words you used won't help you.

it's impressive how quickly you revealed your insufferability. It's like you're speedrunning it. (You) probably do something similar with everyone else.

No, you tard. You are owed human rights, you are not owed respect or popularity just because you want it. You are not owed other people's time and consideration.
And since you cannot get what you want, you lash out like a child instead of manning up and doing something about it.