Every day I think about how evil the world is...

Every day I think about how evil the world is. To survive I and billions of others kill and consume the flesh of a living creature with feelings and thoughts. We chase fleeting feelings over and over like we're possessed, staring at screens, obsessing over our hair and our teeth and our clothes to feel confident that someone might value us. We think about tentacles and violence and other fucked up shit while fucking our hands. We would stomp on our own mother's skull for enough money, or even for a fleeting feeling like sex. While we're capable of thought you might consider righteous, and deep philosophy, even bordering on magic, we're just as dependent on survival and controlled by our urges as any animal. Free will is an illusion no matter how high up the thought hierarchy you go, there are only deeper layers of mind control and chaos you can't handle. Even becoming Christ-like only paralyses you, by rejecting 99.999% of possible options in life to reduce your harm impact. It's not a karmic balance, it's evil top to bottom, and inaction is the only good you can do. Any potential good leads to further and greater harm.

I can't enjoy anything knowing this. Every day I feel the weight of my existence and the pain it causes.

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You need a slice of humble pie you put too much significance in shit stop being so dramatic

>Dude just turn your brain off lmao

It's called emotional regulation, pseud

>He still believe that morality is a thing.

>no free will
>he hasnt accepted absurdism yet.

Go read an actual book for once, midwit OP.

You're simple minded, nothing to be proud of, but I'm glad you're blissfully ignorant

You signed up for this, aswell as every other person. We thought this game will be fun

the world isnt evil the system is

although primitive tribes are kinda evil so maybe ur right, lots of murder and wars going on with them, and arbitrary rules that lead to murder inside the tribe and inner struggles

tho ofc the tribe because its smaller and simpler doesnt have this collateral damage like a giga-civilization where every member is but a mere atom just working to preserve it

but u cant blame the atoms, becus for each atom to do something would mean they would have to magically work in conjunction ,7 billion atoms working in synchronicity, not possible

anyhow i do think the meat industry is evil

oregano origami oratory

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Absurdism is a cope just like everything else.

I have faith that evil in an aberration, but free will is an illusion, and I don't see how absurdism can argue against biology, point to the part of the brain with the little man pulling levers cos I can't find it

Cute tantrum but you're still a pseud

Sure, but its the most logical and most satisfying one.

>evil is an abberation
What even is evil?

>Sure, but its the most logical and most satisfying one.
Once you accept nihilism there's no obligation to do anything at all. You can do whatever you want. If what you want is to keep living and blah blah, then you can. You don't need any justification whatsoever for it. If you don't, then the same thing applies.

>What is evil
Not something I can define, but generally accepted ideals allude to it imo, eg causing unnecessary suffering

Sorry to hear it man. I can only hope you find some relief from your suffering that isn't suicide.
But I agree with most of what you said.

Sure, absurdism is just a coping strategy after you accepted nihilism/existentialism. But you cant deny that most humans have a will to live, meaning that that will be what you are doing most of the time. And logic is just useful, because if you are illogical, it will be hard to reach your goals. And caring about your goals is again something you are very likely to do.

Like if you genuinely dont want to live and dont care about anything including yourself, sure, no point to be alive. For most people there is tho.

Why should I care about whats generally accepted? What makes those values significant?

>what makes those values sig
to me, it's logical, to do to others as i'd want done to me. if you're into having your balls crushed then that's an aberration, because then nobody would have any balls. my idea of a better world is one that builds people up instead of knocking them down. but the problem for me is that building people up creates more potential for evil, unless you remove that potential somehow.

Animals don't think retard

they act upon instincts

>to do to others as i'd want done to me
What people do to is only minimally influenced by how you behave. If you follow that train of thought, you should "do evil things" and then just murder everyone who could take revenge, machiavelli style.

>building people up
Why? Why do you care? Why should i care? Why should anyone else agree with you?

if i cause suffering to others then i can't blame them for wanting revenge, but if i do right by someone i can expect them to return that respect. it's cause and effect, if i build people up the potential for good is greater than if i don't, you can say murdering everyone who wants to take revenge is good but the system won't last, and you've caused more harm than good in the end.

i see what you're saying, but if you believe that everything is "one" then individual good is only a piece of the pie. i disagree that there is 'minimal influence', it depends on the action in question

Dude depressed people think they're so much smarter because up with so much philosophical ideas. This is because they are searching for meaning and come to ideas like yours. But these are the first ideas they come to because these are the easiest to believe. Believing that the world can get better is so much harder when your depressed and thats why it so much easier to come to conclusions like this when you're depressed. But these ideas aren't correct. Or at least the way you interpret them isn't. When you find the truth that the world isn't really bad then you'll stop being depressed and you'll stop searching and "your brain will turn off". Your brain doesn't turn off when you become happy you just stop searching for meaning because you learn that meaning doesn't give you happiness. Only when you learn this will you be happy,

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>meaning doesn't give you happiness
meaning is the only thing that gives happiness, do you get more out of jacking off or reading a good book? do you get more out of eating a pile of shit or a nice meal? etc etc, don't patronise me i'm arguing for moral objectivity and a good universe, but i don't delude myself into thinking it's so easy to just live blissfully ignorant and expect life to work out. i'm well past depression.

>by someone i can expect them to return that respect

No, you cant. Whether people help you or not does not depend on your morality, it depends on their personality and how likeable you are. There are people that will never help you and there are people you can harm again and again and theyd still be with you.

>and you've caused more harm than good in the end.
Sure, but why doea it matter?

>then individual good is only a piece of the pie
My personal good is the only thing that matter to me. Why should anyone elses matter if it is not relazed to mine?

>i disagree that there is 'minimal influence', it depends on the action in question

Like I said, the influence can be fully explained by other factors, making good and evil trivial.

people are evil and they always have been. Not because they chose to, but because by nature we are. just do something by yourself user. reduce the load of life and focus on you