I have never met a legit femcel in my life. Just Chad only volcels

I have never met a legit femcel in my life. Just Chad only volcels.

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>legit femcel

Femcels aren't real. If they were, they would deserve to be ridiculed and casually abused for being such pathetic cunts.

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They exist but they're just incredibly rare and the real ones are extremely mentally ill. I've never seen one here, though.

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For foids to be femcels, they need to be virgins first. They will pull off some weird mental gymnastics to claim they are one though, even if they had sex in the past.

am i a femcel if i honestly dont care what a man looks like, how tall he is, how long his dick is, or how much money he makes; all i want is to be loved as much as I would love him, and to be able to wait until after marriage for sex. i just want someone to care about me, and not my body

no because youve already had sex, and furthermore could have sex at any point at will.

ive never had sex, the most ive ever gone is held hands with a boy, never further
so if being an incel/femcel is being unable to have sex, wouldnt femcels be literally impossible? since even the most decrepit and deformed women could get sex from some man who just thinks "a hole is a hole"

yea. femcels are impossible, that's the point. women fundamentally do not view men the way men view women. a woman will always receive a suitor with the barest modicum of effort, while a man will have to turn over mountains to even get a chance to compete. that's the struggle of the incel.

>wouldnt femcels be literally impossible?

You may not be femcel but you are based for not wanting to be some Chad's one night stand.

no you dumb whore

I get it, but I think you all value sex too much. Theres no better feeling than to be loved, and receive attention from the one you love, I would certainly die happy receiving that and never having sex once in my life
Maybe we just think differently because its of excess to me, so I don't care and it's scarce to men, so its seen as much more valuable

regardless, its pointless to even bother recognizing the term femcel since it's never applicable in any situation, except for trannies, but theyre not real women

you'll find with most incels it's not even about sex, it's just as you put it -- being valued and loved. most peopel on here just crave that intimacy. but no woman ever means it when she says these things. she will always crave excitement, sexual stimulation, being pushed to her limits. even the incel that toughens up and provides that love will inevitably bore the woman and be betrayed, and be cast to a pit even lower than the incel; the failed normie, realizing that even attaining what they wanted only made it worse.

as much as I appreciate the sentiment of you to say that, isnt is hypocritical of you to say that? How can it be based that I refuse to have sex with Chad, but you would want to have a one night stand with Stacy?
Thank you for the answer slut
Cant it be said (like for women who get mistreated by men in relationships, it was because they dated chad) that those men dated a stacy, or like a bitch?
How can incels expect to find someone to love them for themselves if they only want the women who would care about height or looks?
I want someone to love me for me, but I wouldn't look for chads or normies to give that to me, because well they generally care about the body of a woman.
Of course normal women will care about normal women things like excitement and such
just like normal men will care about normal men things like sex

>but you would want to have a one night stand with Stacy?
You are assuming, user. Any Forums is not a monolith. If I just wanted to have sex with anyone attractive, attractive escorts exist. Having sex with random women just for the sake of having sex sounds gross Tbh.

because the waters have been muddied so unbelievably much by women who say what you say and then realize it's not enough, and betray a man, or who fall to temptation and betray their unattractive but loving partner, or who were just fake all along and using a "pick me!" act, that there is a ridiculous erosion of trust of women by men and of self-worth of men in general after they've been fucked over so many times.
furthermore, social places are generally dominated by "normie" women in the first place, while those women with the lofty incel-aligned goals are near-impossible to find.
overall it's a miracle for the incel and the """femcel"""" to be paired up in the first place naturally, and then with so much distrust and erosion of self-esteem, it probably won't last anyway.
the whole incel movement at any rate is just a protest of hypergamy and hypersexualization of society. many, if not most incels rise above and find their self-esteem eventually and find women just like you, so i wouldn't fret. those who still whine here just havent gotten to that point yet.

Wouldn't that not make you an incel though? since technically you could go for random women to have sex with, but you chose not to

paying a woman for a sexual service is different than being naturally selected for courting and romance.

Yeah, technically so. As long as escorts exist, no one can truly be incel. People just call me incel and so I wear it. That is easier than denying it when people are using it to insult me.

I believe I understand the meaning of incel, it's a man who has never had, or been in a relationship with, a woman who wanted to have sex with them out of choice; could also be never had a woman interested in them that they werent sexually attracted to themselves
i feel like incels' issues could be cured if they just took SSRIs that killed their sex drive, then they wouldn't care about that anymore and want to kill themselves over it
I'm 100% confident that its enough for me, ive had a relationship built on just love and after he broke up with me, its all i want anymore, to feel equally returned love. I think a lot about a woman's love language has to do with her relationship with their father. My dad was a very kind man, he was never shyed away from crying in front of me, honestly taught me that men feel the same way women do, and shouldn't be shamed for expressing emotions. Im saying this in case someone reading this ever has a daughter, give them lots of attention, express your emotions in front of them in a healthy manner, and love them unconditionally.

I don't think this is that rare user.