Asian women are the only good thing about this world

Asian women are the only good thing about this world.

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you will not succeed at converting Any Forums

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If you are into masculinity, that is cool too, but most guys like girls with feminine features

We need more Asians, call your senators demanding that immigration from Asia be tripled.

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This is something I can definitely get behind. Please, free VISAs to Chinese, Korean, Japanese hot girls, PLEASE

>Senator we need more immigration from Asia
>No, not Mexico, Asia, Asian girls
>No dammit Asian women not Hispanic men
Well I tried

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Fucking Biden getting demented confused again.

WHat politician do we have to bribe to give instant US VISAs to all hot asian girls? I care deeply about this issue

asian girls all look the same. what is the name of this bug girl?

That's part of what's great about them

it's ok if you're into beastiality. i prefer my submissive human females

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they would turn into westernized roastie BLACKED whores.

>One more time and I will turn you into a mushroom with my magic stick!

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She is too thin, like a skeleton

Too bad they have ugly chink faces, flat chests and asses, and sickly looking skin and hair.

Wow, the world truly is a messed up fucking fucked up twisted place huh

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Yep and that is hot. This fat acceptance shit is retarded.

Bros... it's too cute... I can't take it anymore.

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She's perfect. What the fuck are you talking about? Faggot.

>fat acceptance
Not being skeletal thin does not mean being fat. A healthy weight is the only good weight, and that excludes both being fat AND being underweight.

Fuck off with your yellow fever

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way too small, I don't want to feel like a caretaker.