How's it goin bros! My name is PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWDIEPIEEEEE

>How's it goin bros! My name is PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWDIEPIEEEEE
>Ohh it's Mr. Chair! 'Hello Pewdie!' CHAIRMODE ACTIVATE!
>Stupid statues I DONT TRUST YOU!
>Oh yeah! I'm Piggeh! I'm pumped!

I miss this so much. It came up in my recommended, watched it again, immediately got flooded with 2012 to 2014 pewdiepie amnesia nostalgia when I was 9. I'm 18 now. I miss those years so much.

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>immediately got flooded with 2012 to 2014 pewdiepie amnesia nostalgia when I was 9
holy fuck I'm too old for this site

he was always and still is a faggot. guessing this post is satire, i hope it is.

pre-fnaf markiplier was the best lets-player. prove me wrong fellow zoomers

He may have always been a faggot but young me got hit with nostalgia. Brought back a wave of good feels. I really do miss it.

Attached: 65FC765C-3BFE-4F5D-9ACD-0A0866019E5B.jpg (624x355, 45.29K) are still "young you" i assume you mean young child you.

You 30+? Farthest back I can remember is Pewdie's Penumbra lets plays. Used to watch all his horror game stuff and occasionally browse the Tube around late 2009 onwards.

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>im 18 now

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Yah. I know I'm still young at 18 turning 19 soon but I sometimes feel old cuz I see 14/15 year olds out n about more often when I'm going places. It's retarded, I know, but still

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I saw people reminiscing 2016. We're old now and dying off. 90% of this board's childhood was probably minecraft and angry birds.

>feeling of being almost 24 kicks in and all i did was browse this board, play vidya and browse yt and newgrounds for over a decade

Old Mark's Slenderman lets plays were so good. Old Jacksepticeye up there too. Happy Wheels was king, and never forget Tobuscus

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That was my childhood

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soulllful swidish man

I have very vague memories of discovering Any Forums when I was 7 or 8 and being scared that anonymous or hackers would tell my mum I searched naked girls on google so I turned off the computer. Was a genuine fear. brings the memories right back

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i didn't find Any Forums until 14 and i'm 30 now. no wonder zoomers are so fucked up and gay.

I feel this, people may think he was always a faggot but objectively hes became a bigger faggot over the years due to his popularity. He has to be politically correct

he was always popular and faggy.. there was only that brief moment people thought he was le based gamer word man.

My childhood went PS1+Nintendo DS games (my dad had them so me and my sisters got them), n we played stuff like PS1 Spider-Man, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bash, WWE 2001, Worms, DS Mario Kart, Nintendogs, a G.I. Joe game, Transformers and a tank game of some kind. Then went to PS2 and played Driven to Destruction, Prince of Persia and Quake 2 or 3, then XBOX 360 with Minecraft, COD 4 MW, WAW, MW2, BO1, MW3, BO2, Ghosts and Advanced Warfare (never liked BO3 tho, ruined zombies with gobblegums n shid)

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True, you're right

Yeah, beyond 2016 his content completely died along with basically most of youtube too, haven't watched a vid of pewds since mid 2017


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yep, i think we, boomers watched better kinos

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