When did you realize that you really are that ugly and unnatractive to women?

When did you realize that you really are that ugly and unnatractive to women?

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I feel a little depression every time this picture gets posted

This gets posted to get people to simp for her former, unadulterated appearance. I have come to do the same, once again.

I've seen this so many times and very rarely do someone prefer the right to the left.

14 after i got acne

when i seen my side profile for the first time in someones recording hit up looksmaxx and surgerymaxxed

she fucked up and wasted money. what a dumbass

Unpopular opinion: right looks way better. That way she looks feminine AND carries my sons Chad jaw genes.

seeing my side profile destroyed any self esteem I had, wasn't very fun

Imagine being a gorgeous woman with a great jawline that's not even fucking masculine and you decide to have your jaw shaved the fuck off to look like some ayy lmao chinlet alien. Dumb bitch.

I think the jawline was pretty masculine, especially for Asian beauty standards. Personally I prefer the 2nd pic but its still a waste of money for the surgery

The sad thing is that I am not.
They get interested in me looks-wise. It is stuff like eye-contact and sperg movement where start I to repel them

I'm not ugly, but I'm unattractive because I'm unsuccessful. I bring nothing to the table in a relationship, and that's while I'll die alone.
This guy gets it

Yeah I'm living this reality as well. They stop liking me the more I speak.

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Well many women are also ugly and unattractive beneath all their make up and since men wearing similar amounts of make up isn't socially acceptable I think we are even.

i broke down after seeing mine bro i literally had no cheekbones that it could have been considered a deficiency

>I bring nothing to the table in a relationship
And holding that opinion about yourself drops the ball even harder.
Feeling "not good enough" shows usually

Also, probably the only plastic surgery before and after picture where the nose doesn't change

she was cute

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>great jawline that's not even fucking masculine
asian beauty standards view wide jawlines as extremely ugly.
even the men in korea get their jawlines shaved off

Yeah wtf shes really really pretty in the before. Now shes just a kpop background dancer

i actually attract women pretty decently and i dont like it
if it helps you feel better try to imagine the fact that the personality of the girl in the first picture was the one that looks to be in the post surgery picture