How does one obtain a Doomer or Sporty Tomboy Gf (TM)?

How does one obtain a Doomer or Sporty Tomboy Gf (TM)?

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If you have to ask it's already over. Chad doesn't have to ask for pickup lines

>Sporty tomboy
Join mixed sports clubs, be athletic urself and have good bants
idk I try and find them online but with 0 success

roll dubs or a 2 respectively.

>Sporty Tomboy Gf
observe as i demonstrate

Aspie Cutie pls I feel like its the only only that tolerate me

Gimme tomboy, aspie or doomer gf.
Mommy gf would be cool if not for the cuckshit.

>Sporty Tomboy Gf
The few I have skopen with in passing were not what you likely hope. Career-driven af and being Chadlooking seemed only the start of their demand list for bf.

shit, one off from a 7

here we go here we fucking go. id take anything

I bet 6 has hairy armpits, yikes.

DUBS is literally the last person I was in love with.

Ill take anything except 0 4

>DUBS is literally the last person I was in love with.
>roll dubs
Neat, guess we'll see how it works out.

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bro what the hell is this bullshit man............ i'll take any

my internet computer wife is a mix of 1 and 7

the mostest original roll

This made me realize I'm only fit for other freaks
hit me with the ace

no.. not like this
I don't want to sub to netflix!! Noo!!!
Oh well, I bet I could convince a normie to support me while I write rpg campaigns :>

Mommy gf would be perfect if not for the cuckshit.

it seems really popular in the porn genre. i don't get it.

>Doomer gf
Be a metal enthusiast and hang out at concerts or just hit up your local coffee shop.

>Sporty tomboy gf
Be chad. Actual tomboys would be repulsed at introverted, vidya-playing, anime-watching shut-ins.

guess i'll bump.
i dig love.

i was hoping for dubs.
i guess everyone here is.

you need to be able to mold yourself in order to meet women's varied tastes

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I dated an aspie gf but broke up with her after a month
I want a normie gf pls

Dear God please give me fucking dubs, I need that deprussy

Rolling for trauma gf

Rolling to see which one I am

Really hoping for a 1 or 2 lol

Welp, not even close

Dubs basically

rool baby