What's the closest thing to magic IRL?

What's the closest thing to magic IRL?

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science kmmgx

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Drugs. Or lucid dreaming. Self hypnosis can get really trippy too
Or just go to /x and try to get into some of the weirdo shit.

Drugs are an advent of science.

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Literal actual faith. It's the only tool you can use to adjust your luck. You just have to learn to use it right. It's basically magic and no i wont teach you. Seek and you will find.

summoning succubi

Electromagnetics and quantum physics

How is mushrooms an advent of science? Or cannabis ect. Not everything is synthesised

Meme magic is real. Other than that, any kind of transmutation of a natural mineral/element is pretty much magic and would blow the fucking minds off most of our ancestors.

>spend years doing " research " ,basically 0 chance of finding out what you are talking about.
You're a retard aren't yah?

Magic, stupid idiot. The equivalent to magic IRL is magic you fucking retard.

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This isn't /x. I think u are lost

This isn't /sci/
Go jerk off to IQ tests

This isn't /b. Go chug on a crucifix

I'm not invested in you getting results. I have no reason to be. Especially because no matter what I said, it was always destined that you would call me a retard because you are one of thousands of sad contrarian fucks that thinks they are the peak of knowledge and that they can learn from no one but themselves.

In this battle I am always wrong and you are always right. The only winning move is not to play, but in my morality I must at least say something. The rest is up to you. Everything you need is already inside you, you just have to pull it out

It's just that same phrase is spoken by flat earthers and all these other lunatics. As soon as someone says "do your own research" you pretty much killed every resemblance of credibility to your claim.

Magnets should not even exist. They defy every law of physics we know about.

Magic is real and positivist science is retarded. You should read about propaganda and memetics OP

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Bro just give fucking magic a try for yourself then, if you want something to back up a case for its credibility I could tell you that I'm a physics major, I could tell you that there were public scientific figures in the last 50 years who vouched for it or i could give you reference material and books on the active theories on how it works, but you won't believe a word you read because you have been brainwashed into thinking that the idea of magic is a fairytail and absolutely everyone who calims to have gotten results is a larper.
What have you got to lose?
Your dignity? Your faith in your resoning skills? Your ability to trust what others tell you? Your claims on why people are different than you? Time that would be better spent cooming until you're chafed?

If you want magic to exist that badly then are you really gonna shut the door in my face when I tell you it's real and something that can be by shutting the fuck up and sitting in silence a couple hours a day?

Programming of course.

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