Easy Employment With No Degree

In today's economy, what jobs:

>Are easy.
>Pay as far above $60k a year as possible.
>Do not require over 40 hours a week.
>Don't require a degree.
>Preferably don't have you under blacks or women.


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None. They have made it very hard for brainlets like us who are too stupid for college. Unless you have some kind of artistic talent to monetize you are shit out of luck.

all the easy jobs require degrees

No degree = game over

Give up user. Unless you have social skills or good looks, making it without a degree isn't likely.

probably teaching english to non native speakers.
i used to watch vlogs on the subject and these people barely required any credentials apart from speaking eng, well at least for the first teach gig which will then give you actual credentials to go further

If you have social skills and/or looks, you can scam people. Either with direct scams, or indirect scams like becoming an "artist".

only thing I can think is trucking but you need a cdl

Never do this.

Trades, obviously. cute pussy.

Check scammer quads.

Jobs that reward and give opportunities to recognise real merit, so IT. How difficult it is depends on what your role is and I suppose how you approached it. There's just absolutely no reason why you need a degree to do IT asides from bureaucracy. Also jobs that require substantial training before entering, like say becoming a chartered accountant which can take 3-4 years. Not easy I know but again it depends on you. People with finance/economics degrees still have to do the same training after so arguably they're wasting time. This too . There are lots of niches in trades that can be more attractive, less labour intense and so on. I think you just have to find real jobs. A lot of jobs aren't really real, anyone can do them, so you have to make artificial barriers for entry to justify the pay whereas jobs where actual competence is needed literally can't afford to do that.
>all this shilling for degrees
A lot of degree-havers (which is like 50%+ of relevant working age people) will shill it constantly for obvious reasons, bitterness for one, despite the necessity for universities to be discredited in this system.

I agree. It's like the military or working on an oil rig or some shit. No life to have with your money. Although I believe there is a type of trucking generally referrable as 'local trucking' where you take over the work of longer distance truckers at the receiving end and prepare shit for them.

I make $65k/year and it's an easy cubicle job but I work 40 hours a week.
I have no degree and just got lucky :)

Just work 12 hours a day for a boomer that blatantly disrespects and hates you like his own child so you can pay for his business, trucks, house, retirement, health care, third wife, kids, and the minorities he's imported to replace you because you dare suggest his time is up.
>make me a better offer.
I had a daydream where I beat a fat short boomer to death with a claw hammer because he wanted to be an alpha in front of his crew and shit on me.
It was exciting.

Doing what, m8?

I see OP made the same thread on Any Forums

Probs not easy for you as you are on this site, but if you have a good charisma stat just become a jewish wallstreet nigga

>Pay as far above $60k a year as possible.
>Do not require over 40 hours a week.
Good luck lmao. Sell feet pics for gay niggas

>all the easy jobs require degrees
Onlyfans and instagram models really require that degree huh

classified, m8

Tradies are usually self employed you retard.

So what happened to 8 years of "college is a waste of time" posting? Suddenly we're back in the BA or bust timeline?

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Certain trades i'd guess
>Unionized so guaranteed pay/raises and
>A lot of trade jobs required by law that you to never work for more than 40 hours a week
>Start as an apprentice and don't need a degree to start
>If you live in a flyover state most likely not going to be managed by a black//women but probably a older former trades white man
the only tough part would be easy.
I'm not sure which of the trades is considered easy compared to others.