What's your opinion about bisexual guys?

What's your opinion about bisexual guys?

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Bi guys are the superior guys

All biphobia is fundamentally rooted in jealousy

super based. wish i had a cute bisexual bf to cuddle with. :c


Gay men in denial or straights looking for progressive points

women like bisexual men because women are cuckolds

Yeah we bisexuals are pretty cool.
People don't expect me to be bi tho because I have a deep voice and hate faggots n trannies vehemently

or desperate horny heteroflexible men

We're based.

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All bisexual faggots are gay faggots. Anyone that would look at their own gender the way they are intended to see the opposite is a failed combination of sperm and egg.

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I have literally sucked cock and am not 1/1,000,000th as much of a faggot as you.

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hhhhey user
wanna cuddle? idk how cute i am tho :s

Bow before your KING, peasant. And if you're going to be a closet gaylord, at least come out all the way. Bisexual = gay but with a different label, much like how we live in a (((democractic))) society but it's really more akin to fascism.

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Gay as fuck if they are taking dick. Straight as fuck if they are giving it.

I don't read posts written by subhumans.

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omg.... y- yes daddy. uwu. also you aren't just a qt, you're the cutest ever, don't ever forget that. now come over here and let baby give ya some sugar :333

limiting yourself to half the population is kinda cringe
based tf2 poster

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Are you retarded? Being homo or bi are separate things.

autogynephiles, gynandromporphofiles, holesexuals or prison gays

Perverts obsessed with sex

Strange way to say
>desperate enough to fuck anything