4g camera with sim/ fowl app

260 KB PNG
so i bought this 4g camera from a shady place
then i couldnt get the sim in and drove to the place and the dude showed me how to
however now i connected the camera to 2 different phones and im seeing that there's no way to know if he ever disconnected the camera from his phone, whenever the camera is active you can see everything live through the connected phone
Im paranoid, what do i do in this situation?

Attached: 1653649937335.png (731x665, 260.26K)

could darining the battery to 0 potentially help? There doesnt seem to be any other way

what are you using this camera for, OP?

>Im paranoid, what do i do in this situation?
Don't become a camwhore and do something worthwhile instead.

Jk, I know you're trying to film your sister while she undresses. Good luck!

would it go blurry in the showers?

Doesn't the camera have any way to reset to factory default or something? Look up the model or similar models online and figure out a way to reset its connections.

Depends on how steamy the cunny is.

stop being a creep OwO

not topic related just adding to the conversation.
I gave my gf a A9 GPS tracker and she thinks is just a bluetooth key-chain for when you lose your keys.
Best money I ever spent.
>trusting women ever...

I want to understand the thinking behind this.
So why?

>A9 GPS tracker
what does A9 mean/stand for?

because his relationship is built on a solid foundation of love and trust

its a gps tracker with remote microphone that you can activate at any time

you need to constantly recharge it though, right?

lasts 3 days, depending on usage, i only use it to check were she goes on her lunch time and after she leaves work.

Anything suspicious so far?

Using it for a year now, only thing I found out is that she says she works late every day but she actually just go to stores and try out cloths every day by herself...
I guess she doesn't tell me this because she wants some alone time.

Until she tries a different dick, all is fine

ah yeah the regular user that is spying and listening to his girlfriend trough a key chain next to the usual woman hate thread
i hope this bitch finds out and sues your autistic niggerass

ha yes, the regular user that likes to be a cuck and trusts women

ah yes the cuck that is so confident that he doesnt give a fuck what his girl does vs the chad that listens to recordings of his girlfriend to know that she isnt cheating on him

cucks never give a fuck about their gf's getting dick, thats what drives them.