How does one get a thin white girl gf?

how does one get a thin white girl gf?

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churchmaxx and sportsmaxx

BE WHITE. lmao. be tall and white and you'll fucking drown in aryan pussy

they aren't that cool when your family is full of them

6', white (polish) and still a virgin, it's all about mental health, you can be 5'8" and drown in pussy and you can ve 6'5" and be a virgin, however second case is less possible

you make your selection at the gf store, just use the drop down menu for options and click "thin" and "white" and then hit OK

If its true why are there so many incels here

>It's all about mental health
the only fucking thing you need to hear

Someone didn't read Mein Kampf

>If its true why are there so many incels here
probably shit jobs or neetdom

the average brown guy would drool over a polish blonde

>be white
damn. It's over for me.

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When I took a vacation 2 weeks ago I saw two black guys with thin white girls and neither of them looked like crackwhores. One was dressed kind of thotty but the other one had a sundress.

forgot to inb4 that cause it's late or early depending how you're looking at that, but I'm not looking like some asian mutt from ukraine, i have quite large green eyes and stuff

>projecting onto brown people to make yourself feel good
Personally I think many brown people know white women are histrionic, drug addled narcissists. Finding a good one is rare

you're probably autistic or extremely greasy/smelly. if you're tall and white, you've had to have had atleast ONE semi attractive girl into you.

i'm a currycel and had 2 girls mire me in my lifetime

Be a black man or large dog

be born a thin and attractive white male

attractive is all you need.

I've seen way too many brown posters simp over bland looking blondes

Save up and import one from transnistria or something