Manlets lose every time

manlets lose every time

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they litteraly had to make Farquad short to make it believable. Imagine if Farquad was tall. The story would make no sense.

What made Belle choose Beast over Gaston tho?

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beast had hunter eyes

Seems like the key is personality

if shrek turns out to have a micro penis she might reconsider, just saying

I think you missed the point of the story user. she was also literally an ogre herself

>poor, ugly ogre

Wrong. All wrong.

First, you think Shrek was poor? He owned a piece of land and had his own house and was self sustainable. Shrek had all materials means needed to get a gf.

Second, ugly? Shrek ugly? He literally single handly defeated like 20-40 armored knights and outvitted a dragon. Shrek literally sucesfully stormed a fuckign castle. He terrorized whole vilalges od peasants. Face it, Shrek was Chad as fuck.

if fiona turns out to have a micro penis he might reconsider, just saying

gaston is a raging bisexual who regularly manhandles every femboy within a days ride by horse, he was driven by morbid curiosity and later horror of why Belle rejected him.

dont turn one of my favorite stories into some incel propaganda you bitch!! shrek won over farquad, because even if on the outside he was poor and ugly, he was a very nice and caring person unlike farquad... that was the moral of the story :(

lmao i didnt see that one coming, we need another sequel

You know he got a hog. Probably smells like onions and swamp though

>Shrek was Chad as fuck
Shrek is a good role model because he embodies positive masculinity. On the one hand, he's a gross bachelor in the beginning who only cares about himself, but in the end, he has gone through many trials and learned to open up while not compromising who he is. He's a much better model for masculinity than the objectifying "8 foot tall CK underwear model who earns 9 billion per hour and is secretly a vampire" stereotype.

Heroism, kindness, and the willingness to accept her imperfections

>poor, ugly
now lets not forget about shreks hidden potential women see in their "i can fix him" lens

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again ffs, Shrek was not poor! He owned a house and a land

yeah im sure fiona was heads over heels living in a stinky swamp n eating bugs and onyons all day, no other farmer in the whole kingdom even came close to shreks luxurious lyfe

She was a fucking ogre you moron

royal ogre, mind ur manners peasant

you are a stinky swamp.

Shrek owned a nice piece of seculded land that could house 40 cartoon characters.

you realize that its a fictional movie right? like scripted?


your life is a fictional scripted movie

>Shrek owned
is this even canon? pretty sure he only bothered saving that foid to actually get official papers that he was owning that place, he was literally just illegally occupying that land at first

he unofficially occupied that piece of swamp so hard that he basically owned it.

he just got legal paper later

layers layers interlinked onioncells interlinked...
shrek is literally a perfect metaphor for irl, u wouldnt get it normalfag

seeing how the modern society is ruthlessly manipulated, that isnt even too far from the truth