He doesn't have this

>he doesn't have this
I genuinely feel sorry for you

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thanks for the ropefuel user

Attached: pain.jpg (440x386, 37.1K)

I like how milkchads never bother formulacels but absolutely shit on their crappy moms.
Any healthy woman who doesn't breastfed her kid is a bad person

no it's hopefuel. Get out of there and try.


get a hobby. Talk to people. Drink with them. Ask them out. See where that gets you.

Doesn't work, im not a chad, I've lost all interest in everything and i cant talk to people your advice is shit and you should get off my board

You know dude
If you weren't a insufferable piece of shit that should be hit with a rock from your OP, you are most certainly now.
People like you, who want to influence the lives of others because you, "know how to help", should be genuinely made to fear the anger from the people you're trying to "help"
Just shut the fuck up.
PLEASE just shut the fuck up.
However smart you think you are, you're waaaaay less smart

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>Drink with them
You married a whore

I hope to have this one day except I won't share right wing Twitter memes with my gf.

>only chads have gfs
>I lost all interest
good then why do you long for a gf then?
>your board
ok incel
HAHAHAHA this reads like something out of some incel manifesto. I couldn't care less about giving you advices, if "engage with people" is an advice to you you really should take it.
didn't marry anyone and cope
How is it right wing

I worry too often what people think but you reminded me just now
People are fucking retarded beyond comprehension

The message I got from this was the men were supposed to represent what the baby would grow up into, and not the husband.

Honestly gave up. I spend too much time stressing about it, then one day it just rained in me the fact that i DONT KNOW HOW TO TALK ONLINE. I call make small talk and have full conversations while in person for like hours and hours, but dont make the subject, online it always dies after like 40 seconds tops. I just accepted that im terminally fucked, there is no salvation for those like me.

yeah bro everyone is an NPC but you, that's why you are an outcast, you are just too smart to fit in.

All memes are right wing

>us on the right
What did she mean by this? Is she implying he will be drinking her breast milk? gross

>get a hobby. Talk to people.
Did this and people thought I was an autistic sperg and ostracized me
>Drink with them.
I no longer drink after falling into alcoholism because of my loneliness
>Ask them out. See where that gets you.
Last time I tried that I was accused of being a pervert or something. And before you say it no, I didn't say anything weird, normals just seem to have an intrinsic hatred of me. The only way I survive in the world is being completely isolated where no normals will interact with me and try to ruin my life. I work alone in the hours that normals don't walk, I minimize my interactions with them, I go home and don't try to be a part of a world they don't want me to be in, and I get by.
The only way I get to make money so I can eat and keep living is this way, trying to be happy as an autist is not allowed by normals.

it's very sad that you feel that way, that you feel completely alone and isolated from everyone. Have you tried talking to an expert about it? isolating yourself in that way won't get you out of it, it just makes it worse

I talked to someone years ago but she didn't really know what to do about that part, she just got my parents to stop contradicting themselves since they expected me to get a job but refused to let me drive for fear that I'd get into an accident, and were threatening to kick me out if I couldn't change reality and somehow fulfill both expectations. Dad also kept pressuring me to become a ZOGolem and generally attempting to micromanage my life, which he still does, but at least now I can have a job.
I realize what I'm doing doesn't get me out, but the only escape for me would have been to be born normal. Normals seem to have a second sense that I'm not fully socialized and take the opportunity to fuck me over instead of letting me get used to it. My boss at my last job kept making me work while I was by all means supposed to be in bed because I was sick and had breathing troubles and severe pain when bending over, in fact he decided that I needed to clean the whole place myself and wrote me up for incompetence when I collapsed in pain.
This is the best option for me, I guard the empty building at night and make sure it doesn't burn down or get flooded by a burst pipe, I unlock the doors at dawn, and then I get relieved and go home. The most I speak to people is telling them "good morning" which isn't even really required but just a retail holdover behavior. Considering the alternative is homelessness or modern slavery, I'll stay here until life itself becomes too unbearable and I find a good way to die, whenever that is. Maybe never, maybe tomorrow, most likely in about 6 years.

sauce on the top right image?