Why are white people so dumb?

>We need to secure the future of the white race!
>We will do that by not having any new white children!

Good game. Enjoy getting eradicated like the cockroaches you are.

Attached: american fertility rate.jpg (1161x1656, 155.44K)

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It's the same reason white nationalists and polcels worship Hitler, despite the fact he killed more blue eyed blonde people than Jews, blacks and Muslims ever did, combined. They're not very bright.

What happened from the 60s to the 70s? That's crazy lmfao.

hly shit how many of these bait threads are we gonna have today
im already shitposting in 2 fuck off OP


Feminism. Women only reproduce adequately to sustain the population when they are used as cattle.

>black people being able to sit where they want on the bus is the reason why white people aren't having sex anymore

Why are you so desperate to be a betabux for some fat whore and a bunch of screaming crotch goblins?

I'm not. I am happy for civilization decay. I just laugh and milkcels who cry 24/7 about the "future of the white race" and meanwhile are willing to do nothing to help it.

the vietnam war and the intensification of attacks on the white establishment by non whites and some whites themselves who wouldnt go to vietnam and subverted at home instead

the one time they did something at kent state by accident buried them and they werent prepared to do what was necessary to win vietnam anyway

Having tons of kids in your house is a nightmare. I guess some men like the idea of it more as they barely contribute anything towards child rearing except money. Still pathetic to want to be used as a human ATM though.

Unironically, yeah
We all had to move to the suburbs and buy cars because public transit and downtown areas went to shit once coloreds stopped being put in their place. This lead to increased atomization and less seggs

But hey, that's just a theory :^)

lmao. Has nothing to do with it. Women got jobs and got rights and stopped wanting to reproduce because they are fundamentally lazy and probably >90% of reproduction through human history has been by force.

Once you take that force away and give women rights and birth control they stop having kids.

Race riots, user. Race riots.

>Using this much mental gymnastics to justify foreign interventionalism and needless wars on rice farmers
Almost broke your neck champ with those reaches. America is dying and nobody is crying about it.

>he doesn't know about the sexual revolution, free love, roe v. wade, and wider usage of contraception
come on

>sexual revolution, free love, roe v. wade, and wider usage of contraception

ie. get pumped and dumped by chad until your 40s while never having kids or aborting the ones you get pregnant with.

ie. the main purpose of feminism.

This has literally nothing to do with intelligence you stupid nigger.
Chinks, Spics, and Kikes are experiencing the exact same thing.
It's a by-product of women's rights and a fundamentally broken economy.

>race riots are what prevents you from having sex with a white woman

That's bullshit. Men and women always divided labor and traditionally worked alongside each other from the dawn of civilization right up to the last 100 years or so. Women working also increases the GDP because it creates more disposable income, and is a large part of why we aren't like third world patriarchal shitholes that forbid women to work.

He didn't justify the Vietnam war, though. That's something you made up because you can't counter what he said.

>That's bullshit. Men and women always divided labor and traditionally worked alongside each other from the dawn of civilization right up to the last 100 years or so. Women working also increases the GDP because it creates more disposable income, and is a large part of why we aren't like third world patriarchal shitholes that forbid women to work.

Nope. Women mostly stayed at home and did home related labor and raised kids.

Give women birth control, jobs, and stop treating them like cattle and they stop having kids.

They'd rather stay on birth control while getting plowed by Tinder Chad and drinking wine alone watching Netflix.

If you're concerned a bunch of angry niggers might come along and burn your house down, you're not going to feel very secure, which is going to make you hesitant to have a bunch of children you're not sure you can protect and provide for.

It's natural for women to use Chads sperm to have kids and use a betabux for financial gain. It's literally why women have an ingrained biological dual mating strategy as it's actually optimal for society to have a eugenic Chad kid who is raised in a stable wealthy home with a kind meek beta father.

Theres even proof women become more attracted to more masculine looking men when they're ovulating aka most fertile.

Yeah and they don't even want to do that.

The culmination of Feminism = fuck Chad on Tinder with your IUD and get abortions while working for $50K in human resources so you can drink wine all weekend and get fat on takeout and just do that every day until you die.

Correlation does not imply causation, faggot. There were so many social movements coming to a head during that period of time. It was a cultural shift. Squaring it solely on feminism because it matches whatever incelian lore that agrees with it is fucking weird. Relax. Just be normal. They asked a question and you're somehow pivoting it back to women as if men didn't benefit from it either.

It's women's rights.
If you go and look at Asian countries you see the exact same steep dive directly after women gain autonomy.
The guy talking about Vietnam is a retard, commie gooks half way across the world didn't cause the American fertility rate to fall off a cliff.

>t. Amerimutt who knows absolutely nothing about history

Living solely off the man's labor and income didn't become widespread until the industrial revolution of the mid to late 1800s. In non industrial societies, the women usually perform labor as well as raising the kids.

Analysis of the hands of women in both ancient and medieval Europe shows they had bone spurs and formations caused by harvesting crops.

>I don't like the way x person lives their life so it's wrong and we should take their rights away
Not an argument, Chud.

>In non industrial societies, the women usually perform labor as well as raising the kids.

Yeah no shit. Doing housework and chores around the farm or household business would be expected.

What is your point?

They were cattle and workhorses used as property and it kept civilization running.

Now they plow Chads with birth control on Tinder while ordering Thai food and getting drunk watching Netflix.

Hmm... I wonder why fertility is dropping?

Apparently race riots 60 years ago is why user can't find a white woman to have sex with him.

Sure. It's nice that we agree on what modern feminism represents though.

>I don't like the way x person lives
To be fair, neither do they lmao
W*men are the primary SSRI-users because they find their preferred lifestyle so unfulfilling they feel the need to be medicated against it

Harvesting crops is light labor, and also very time sensitive. Even today you'll see women and children working alongside men to do it, whenever harvesting has not been mechanized.

>What's your point
That's you're completely contradicting your previous arguments about how all women were lazy and never worked, retard. Pull your head out of your ass, incel.

Labor in medieval Europe isn't even remotely comparable to labor today and if you're not mentally challenged that should be obvious.

>The culmination of Feminism = fuck Chad on Tinder with your IUD and get abortions while working for $50K in human resources so you can drink wine all weekend and get fat on takeout and just do that every day until you die
Man. Wait. What? I'm not even being malicious here, but have you ever talked to a woman? I mean had a serious conversation with a fully grown, adult, woman on a regular basis face-to-face? I don't think you have.

>Now they plow Chads with birth control on Tinder while ordering Thai food and getting drunk watching Netflix.
Yes. You mad?

God I love being a woman in 2022. This is the greatest time to be alive in the history of the world. I get to live like royalty just for having a vagina and it's fantastic. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

White women are mogging white men aggressively. White women are absolutely everywhere doing everything. Where are the straight white dudes? Where are these guys? They're not keeping up, they're locked up in their rooms on the computer jacking off and playing video games.

They probably grew up watching movies and playing video games where the hero is a white guy who looks like them. That was the worst thing that could have happened to them, because then they stepped out into the world for a second and found out it's not a fantasy, they're not a hero and nobody cares. Stop being lazy, self-improve, the world doesn't owe you anything

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