I'm tired of pretending atheism is cringy. It's not...

I'm tired of pretending atheism is cringy. It's not. Religion is fucking stupid and I'm tired of pretending like it isn't just because I don't want people to hate me.

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I mean, what atheism and what religion?

It is. Being irreligious or agnostic isn't cringe, even if it's illogical. But atheism is pure cringe

Being too much of a faggot to commit to an opinion is absolutely more cringe than recognizing humanity is not the center of the universe.

Don't argue with people who believe blind faith in fairy tales is a virtue

Atheism isn't cringe, you are. Who the fuck pretends to be religious because they don't want random weirdos on the internet to make fun of them? Holy shit dude.

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>atheism is cringy. It's not.
That's a defense mechanism phoneposters use to defend their imaginary friends.
>You're cringe
>This fat kid with a hat thinks the same as you -> Fedora.jpg
>Now I can dismiss what you say and keep playing pretend

Religion is ancient cope and self-help, that's it. It's not in the slightest bit real, anyone who thinks it is has the mind of a child and should be ignored.

Show me a single human society in which the metaphysical did not play a core, fundamental role you tremendous faggot

Show me a single human society where stories about women being raped by demons were more instrumental in developing civilization than positivism.

>Religion played an important role in neolithic cultures
>Therefor, my specific deity from 3000 years ago is totally real and I should keep talking to him

Atheism doesn't contend that religion is useless or never served a purpose, it just doesn't believe that deities are real or ever were.

Positivism is a religion, retard. It's based on unprovable metaphysical assumptions about the nature of reality (i.e. a sharp subject-object divide), and worships the object/objective like a stone idol.
Human beings can't live without metaphysics, or the overwhelming majority of them can't anyways

I agree most organised religions are cringe but so is adamant atheism. I don't know how everything came about and what's beyond our understanding, and neither do you.


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>Positivism is a religion
I refuse to believe that you brain damaged schi/x/os actually believe this.

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It's like being straight edge or child free or a gun owner or a vikings fan. If it's just a detail about you, it's fine. If it's a substitute for you having a personality, that's cringe. Don't have it be part of your identity, just be an atheist and move on

I honestly have more respect for the christcuck brand of npc than whatever this is

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>hurr it's like a sportsball match and you have to pick a team

I live in the most atheistic country on the planet. Talking about religion outside of your place of worship is considered extremely tacky. Not even the one religious party in the government does it cuz they know it would be political suicide. I still enjoy reading about philosophy/ religion tho. Especially the Eastern ones with 0 to no gods. Daoism or Zen has a lot useful tidbits without the dogma bs

>Is the sky blue
>hurrrrrrrrr why are you so partisan
Double retard

>'seems' implausible
Wow what an ironclad perspective

Religion is just copium
Christfags want to believe that shit will get better after death if they suck jew cock

>i can feel the unicorn exists
Wow what an ironclad perspective

There's a difference between believing a very specifically described creature existing and believing in the possibility that there could be a higher power behind the creation of all things.

Oh wait I forgot;
>there was a random big explosion one day and now 14 billion years later we're shitposting on Any Forums
Got it.

>Noooo you can't be atheist you have to call yourself agnostic
Why? Agnostic isn't even a religion, it's a descriptor, you could be an agnostic Christian, you're just a retard who fell for Pascal's Wager in that case. Saying you're agnostic is like answering 'What car do you have?' By saying 'grey' instead of saying a 'grey Ford Focus.'

Either way, I am certain Christianity is wrong. How certain? So certain I don't bother to be Christian despite them being right meaning I will suffer unimaginable suffering for all eternity.

>very specifically described creature existing
>the possibility that there could be a higher power behind the creation of all things
These are the same thing.
If you anthropomorphize the universe in any form you are either consciously coping or retarded.

*tips fedora* ah a fellow gentleman

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>there was a random big explosion one day and now 14 billion years later we're shitposting on Any Forums
There is literally an infinitely larger body of evidence to support this over whatever retarded pantheistic view you have, seeing as you got nothing.

Not really
>Living creatures exist
True statement
>Animals exist
True statement
>Animals with hair exist
True statement
>Animals with hair that stand 30 stories tall and eat elephants exist
False statement

Believing that there are holes in a specific religion or all known religions doesn't preclude the existence of a sapient higher power. I mean I still find the idea of anthropomorphizing the big bang into being god or something is retarded, but it isn't logically inconsistent.

A fellow Redditor!

The narwhal bacons at midnight! xDD

Atheism was never cringe. Online advocacy for atheism was cringe.

I'm actually in a place as an atheist where I can understand why people are religious. I disagree with that value system and its explanations for the universe. But I cannot deny that it's had a big impact on western values. As I debate more on the God question and listen to them speak, there are articulate arguments.

that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence