Is there a viable alternative to capitalism?

Is there a viable alternative to capitalism?

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True capitalism has never been tried before, actually.


Yes it's called socialism, dumbass. Maybe read your picrels before you post them.

Can you name a single country that does capitalism these days? The USA has social security and anti-monopoly laws, it's a mixed economy.

>having other people pay for things and having certain rules makes it not capitalism

>it's literally not capitalism if it's a mixed economy

True capitalism just becomes a monarchy, than a dictatorship my good chumbo.

Why yes, Opie. Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try... no hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today! Imagine there's no countries... it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace YOOHOO! You may say im a dreamer, but im not the only one... I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can... No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world YOOOHOO! You may say Im a dreamer... but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one! :)

This is the only true answer fellow sp- I mean fellow humans.

>Ideologies are like massive orbs we live inside
lmao no.

every economic system falls to idiots. if the average person were intelligent any system would work.

capitalism with social programs is your best bet to reduce the impact of idiots.


no stock market, no stocks, bonds, to publicly traded companies, no usury, no compound interest

Free-market enterprise. It's the word negroes can't think of because they're too busy comparing anarcho-capitalism and neo-Ze..fascism.

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A mixed economy involves having state-run industries, dumbshit. It doesn't mean when the government does stuff like a social security net full of holes.

this but with some level of social benefit is the least kiked option possible.
people greatly undersell how horrible the finance industry has been for the world especially for the last 40 years.

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To communists capitalism means exchanging currency for goods and services. To libertarians capitalism means not being taxed at all.

Why do zoomers immediately jump to the most extreme positions possible. Don't like property tax, ah the solution is simple. Communist revolution now. Don't like women in the workforce? libertarian revolution now!

>To communists capitalism means exchanging currency for goods and services
It doesn't. Communists define capitalism as the private ownership of means of production and contractual organization of labor. Just having markets or currency isn't capitalism. I'm not a communists and know at least that.

Capitalism just means that the means of production are privately owned. There are any number of alterations or different variables you can adjust to suit your liking. Just using saying alternative to capitalism means nothing.

The author shot himself after writing that book because he concluded that socialism (in the way socialists imagine it) was basically impossible, so maybe you should re-read it

Based user has been reading the literature
He killed himself 8 years after writing that book and he has published several other writings and books before doing so.

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Hey it is Chud!

Not really. But if you mean the American system where businessmen become so powerful they own everything and start wars, there's ways around that.

Strict laws regarding minimum and maximum wealth. Removing all legal rights and privileges of a corporate entity. Laws against money in politics (overturning Citizens United).

Complete disentangling of private enterprise and public service: prisons, the military, the internet, hospitals, etc should all be run like the post office or fire department. Just for starters.

capitalism with elements of economic socialism is the ideal. Retards will refute this