What's with the teenage suicide thing...

What's with the teenage suicide thing? Probably not that often but a lot of children between 13/18 actually kill themselves. It's kind of sad because their brains were not developed enough to see the bigger picture. Things unironically can get better, not 100% sure but who knows you might get lucky right?

If you are gonna kill yourself do you when you are around 40+ but come on now, some fucking teenagers actually commit suicide for the attention and the fake depression. It's pathetic.

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i haven't noticed any increase in depression/sucide desu

They listened to the Lavender Town theme song :(

>It's kind of sad because their brains were not developed enough to see the bigger picture
That's pretty much why. They have a very small world bubble and don't realize how small it is. Adults are also really bad about how they make the adult world seem. They make it seem like high school but 100x worse and more nightmarish and teenagers get it in their head that if they are struggling very hard now then they might as well clock out before it gets worse.

I'm 28 and I can say every adult who I ever spoke to was completely and utterly full of complete shit. Life got worse after high school because adults warped my expectations of university and I couldn't adapt until I learned to empty my mental bowl. Working is way less shit than adults make it out because I worked a real job that dealt with real things that had real world impact. Now I'm about to go into a graduate school to further my career options and take a break from working with money I saved up. Exact opposite of what adults had told me about graduate school, careers, post-university, university, and so on.

>It's kind of sad because their brains were not developed enough to see the bigger picture.
What bigger picture? You're deluding yourself from people pain because "muh childrens :(" for no reason.

Teens are wising up and realizing that our post war boomer society is full on niggers and kikes that hate them. Our entire system is specifically constructed to hate children, so it isn't hard to see them wise up and take the smart option out.

I'm too much of a pussy to pull the trigger or else i would have been dead by now.

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They develop enough to think about the future and see nothing

Mental illness, bro

You think social pressure doesn't get to children? Lmao

Yes. They are just attention whores. Nothing more.

well why not wait until you're 60? why set limits?

So did your mom raise you stupid or just stubborn.

Teenagers can't be ''mentally ill'' unless it's the kind of autism when you can't even what 2+2 is. All is attention whoring. They can't have depression or ''panic attacks'' or shit like that.

Lol bro
Just lol

Go back to tik tok underage fag. Fucking teenagers would kill to get a 5 second attention from random people on the internet and real life.

Many people don't know this!

I'm 5'6, things aren't gonna get better and I'm going to die alone just because of it,I hate when people lie to me saying that there are women out there who'd date a short guy because it just isn't true, most women don't even see me as human because of my height, it's so dehumanizing. If I were to die tommorow nobody would care, literally nobody.

Well women don't have rights so don't think about them. Try finding good friends. Women don't really deserve anything besides beating to pulp

i just read a story about this last night. a 17 year old with straight As got catfished into sending his nudes to some african blackmailers. ended up killing himself when they threatened to send it to everyone he knew if he didn't pay them money he didnt have.

I may have actually killed myself if I saw what the future held, it didn't get better at all wtf

literally had two guys in my HS who were 5'6 and 5'7 and they were fking like every girl in school, so.

>and then they released it anyways