My anhedonia, depression, fatigue are causing me horrible suffering

My anhedonia, depression, fatigue are causing me horrible suffering...
I have 5mg Adderall IR from my Dr.

Should I feel something from this dose? I suffer from anxiety as well...

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I don't feel anything unless I take 60mg of adderall.
And then I'd hyperfocus on one game for 10 hours and forget to eat or drink.

sounds amazing.
60mg sounds terrifying though...

What drug will make me not feel lonely or depressed anymore? My life is gettting worse and worse

Take control of yourself outside of drugs.

i dont do any drugs user...
depression is crushing me so much. no end in site. I feel disconnected from people

I mean the medication. Do you truly have brain chemical problems, or is there some more underlying cause? I personally think medication is a sign of defeat, there has to be a better way.

You probably do need more than 5 mg. A lot of bots will tell you you don't need it, but I feel like "only you can judge whether you need it or not"

That said, I would try to take little by little until you find your dose. gl short attn frendo

That stuff is for attention deficit disorder, not depression. If I were you, I'd change doctor.

Drugs should be a last resort for when you have an actual fucked up brain and your depression isn't a result of retarded life habits or self-destructive thought patterns.

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appreciate that but i dont have adhd.
a sign of defeat? I mean there are soooo many drugs out there. My doctor would likely prescribe me anything. I need some relief. I NEED RELIEF FROM THIS DEPRESSION! Life is so colorless.
I was the one who asked my doctor for the addy. I said it might help with my awful awful fatigue... I have benzos from him too but i havent had panics attacks often like i used to so i rarely take them

I actually have that book sitting next to me on my shelf.
I read like 1 chapter of it and felt really bored and forgot about it..
I should read it shouldnt I

Clinical depression is real, and is a disease as type two diabetes, crohn's are. But the whole idea that something is wrong in your brain isn't what most clinically depressed are experiencing. "antidepressants"(which can make things worse if not give you a feeling of mania, however there's an anti inflammatory effect which can give one relief.) Pic related, but spoiler: fix your diet and exercise. Genetics are a factor but it's what you keep putting in your body and lifestyle are the trigger to painful symptoms. Most clinically depressed people are drinking soda, consuming refined sugar + fat products, etc which breed bad bacteria and are pro inflammatory. The symptoms of depression can be relieved, but it requires commitment and patience, which unfortunately depression hinders greatly.

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>don't have adhd
Okay, if you just want to get high or break your depression, then delta 8 edibles worked for me (marijuana). I feel way less depressed on it, but it also shuts your brain down, and if you start feeling suicidal just go to sleep. That stuff helps, but it can also make you feel worthless.

Yes it's not going to magically fix you but there are things in there that are practical and you can use them. Think of it as a way to get started.

I think we agree my point was to start with fixing diet/health/sleep and starting with basic cognitive therapy before zonking yourself out on a huge dose of klonopin or some shit.

OP here.
I have a poor diet. my only exercise is walking. I get about 10k-12k steps daily. I wake up feeling absolutely EXHAUSTED like I didn't even sleep. According to an at home sleep study i have mild sleep apnea. I should buy a CPAP machine to test it out. I rarely get human touch. a 2 second hug from me mom is it.
I am addicted to chips. I eat chips 5x a week at least. diet soda is a newer thing I started consuming recently. overall I lack veggies and eat a lot of carbs.

I am buying this book asap.

Fun fact: I worked at a group home for crazy people and the first indicator that they were going to chimp out was if they weren't sleeping. Sleep is incredibly important for your mental and physical health.

Also stop being a fat fuck.

The loneliness will drive you to comfort food quite often. I have the exact same specific weakness for chips actually, although I've managed to quit soda. You get more steps than I do, that's good. Just keep trying to trend towards more exercise in your day and more healthy food in your diet. Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Those things keep me from giving up. It's slow progress but it's there.

Hang on man. It's so hard, I know. I backslide sometimes but it's not a reason to give up. We're just anons passing in the night, but I'm rooting for you.

>I have 5mg Adderall IR from my Dr.
>Should I feel something from this dose?
Probably not. When I took IR dex or adderall, my dose was 10mg every 4 hours

You're in a difficult position user, so remember realistic and small steps. Even if you experience 30% relief in your symptoms, it will have a massive impact on how you feel and think. Apnea is also another sign of inflammation in the body; I've heard prople have even cured their snoring when fixing their issues. You should note down fasting too, do not do it until you're well informed on the subject, better yet, there's centres catered around it that perform it medically supervised. It can cut right to the chase to destroy bad bacteria in the gut and lower inflammation drastically which diets cannot fully achieve in such a short amount of time.

youll feel a mild high from the stimulation, granted its only IR it won't last long. XR's where the real shit's at. take advantage of it by lifting, eating healthy and getting enough vitamin D.

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This. I'd really recommend taking a vitamin d3+k2 supplement, and a magnesium complex.

>What drug will make me not feel lonely or depressed anymore? My life is gettting worse and worse

Friendship :)

You should care less. Excitation is unapparent.

My fitbit says I get 7.5 hours of sleep on average and I'm 5'11" 155lbs.
I am just saying I am fatigued and feel physically ill all the time and blood tests havent found much...