There are fembots RIGHT NOW sitting on the toilet, taking MEATY DUMPS

>there are fembots RIGHT NOW sitting on the toilet, taking MEATY DUMPS

Attached: 1567356177-521748-enforce-2.jpg (1220x1080, 239.33K)

Imagine taking a shit in their mouths haha lol

RIP David Dees
no one will really know the man behind all these schizo artworks but he was an illustrator for Sesame street back in the day

Attached: Camp.jpg (756x560, 194.14K)

Taking a shit is like 30% of my time here

Do you sit on the first wave of shit for several minutes, or do you close the lid and flush before continuing?

I always wait on the first wave because I don't like to push. I don't stay on the toilet after I'm done, unless I'm wasting time at work.

do fembots make stinky poops?

Every shit is stinky, even girl shits.

>Every shit is stinky
that's just not true though

im a fembot and am currently shitting while reading this post lmfaooo

lol imagine still being afraid of "GMO" foods and MSG

>im a fembot and am currently shitting
can you describe the smell

Fembot here, I love taking shits and posting on Any Forums at the same time

>Fembot here, I love taking shits
will u b my gf?

smells like the average shit

> will u b my gf?

woah user we are so alike... wanna be my wife

> wanna be my wife
As long as I can use your mouth as a toilet while I browse this shithole of a website, sure

Imagine if you had a qt3.14 gf and you asked her to leave her big 'ol dumps in the toilet so you could see them. She says nah, that ain't cool compadre. But then she surprises you with a big brown ragdoll in the bowl because she loves you.

i wish i was apart of those vaccine squads forcing baby boomers and shithead zoomers to take a vaccine

I wouldn't ask her anything. I'd just spike her food/drinks with fiber powder until she's clogging the toilet every day.