3 cute girls at work

>3 cute girls at work
>one chubby girl keeps harassing me and trying to talk to me
fuck you

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Tell her to stop then, dumbass mayo

no no. fuck Her.
rather, befriend her. don't shit where you eat

Aw yeah

Knock her out and stuff her butthole full of Gatorade (shes probably dehydrated)

is this about me? 99

why you sound slav?
or am I deaf to actual english people?

chubby uggo kept trying to hug me. eventually i let her because it was less awkward than rejecting her in front of all my coworkers

Based advice, the incel high standards meme is real

ME AND SLAV? I am a chosen Arab my boy.

Just give her the dick?

>be me
>never match with anyone qt
>if i do they ghost immediately because all women on dating apps belong to the streets
>only the fat ones message me even when i call them fat they keep coming back or think i'm just "banting"
fatties are a plague

Imagine talking or being able to get a girl. Must be nice.

>2 cute goth girls at work
>the pothead guy won't shut the fuck up so I can talk to them in peace
Constantly this fucker is begging for my attention, not only can I not talk to the goth girls in peace I can't even do my job half the time cuz he's showing me some stupid video on his phone

>one chubby girl keeps harassing me and trying to talk to me

made a thread about the chubby chick user hates.

you are literally a denyer. I am sure you brag about that situation to yourself.

so shut the fuck you betacuck motherfucker who can't even hide his true feelings.

>that vocaroo
holy fucking kek my sides are in orbit arabanon

talk HR because women who approach men are up to no good

based. and caramel colored waifu pilled

>get her to go on walks with you
>eventually buy some bikes
>more segs to burn calories

Yeah they're always making trouble in the neighbourhood.

I'm over six feet and still get none of that.