High IQ Failures

Any high IQ failures here? My IQ is around 130 and I am a complete failure

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142 by some shitty denmark test. I am built stupid

I had mine tested at school

136 last time I checked. I'm good at problem solving and creative stuff, but keeping my own life puzzle from crumbling is way harder.

I'm 124 tested (not good but not horrible) but I'm extremely incompetent and clumsy in all areas of life, also I work min wage.

How did you guys mess up?

I scored 118 on the state administered iq test but I'm literally retarded. If 100 is lower than me and is average then 80% of the human race are too dumb to live.

Knowing I'm above average makes me hate the human race and being human.

I'm a failure (no friends, no gf) but I make OK money (~170k) writing software (SDE at a FAANG). Some consider this success, but no friends and no gf means I'm definitely a failure.

How did you get a FAANG job? My IQ is 130 and I dont even have a job


IQ is a meme to inflate your ego. Why don't employers or colleges/universities ever make you do an IQ test?

>tfw ceiling mode but women call me himbo
wow. i can handle complicated mathematical models in my dome piece but can't fucking decorate a room. i am objectively a block head except in areas of interest. iq is a dog shit measure of anything.

Considering my marks and some internet tests I would assume my IQ is around 130. I am the type of person to obsess over details and be oversensitive to everything but at the same time I am extremely clumsy, forgetful and absent minded.

I am a failure. I am riddled with physical and mental issues. Had no supportive figures in my life, only non-stop trauma and stress. My brain is probably shrinked by now caused by the extreme levels of stress, my language skills are also very bad (probably because the lack of practice/interest).

It's not as hard as you might think. Believe it or not, many of the most incompetent people I've ever met have been here at FAANG.

You need:
1. get the interview
2. pass the interview

I know that sounds oversimplified, but hear me out. I have no degree. I started making android apps and websites (frontend & backend for both). I did contract apps for about 3 years. Job matching, coffee shop loyalty app, an airline website (a small one, they only have like 15 planes), an was contracted to help on a unity game that shipped on steam. This let me get the interview, as it was enough on my linkedin.

To pass the interview grind leetcode and make up some bullshit success stories. Once you can regularly pass leetcode medium problems have have about 10 success stories (as in, we were developing X app. our operators were spending a lot of time doing simple tasks like moderation and changing profiles, so I designed and built an administrative dashboard which reduced the effort required by our operations by about half). Look into the STAR method.

Then I got hired as a Jr developer at a FAANG. Jr devs make ~150k, so from there I just got minor promos/raises.

I was sheltered, and I got bullied in any activities I had outside. So I hate people and not being at home.
I also sometimes can't focus for shit, so my parents yell at me.
I'm 19 b.t.w.

Like ffs I feel like I can do anything in life except date a girl. Landing a FAANG job is considered very difficult for many, I did it almost on a fucking whim. But I simply cannot talk to girls. I'm so boring and unexciting. I try to be nice and flirty but come off as awkward and cringy.

T. Salarycel

For me personally it took me a long time to learn how empathy works, so personal relationships often crashed and burned fast. This plus a constant flow of new ideas on what I want to do in life and a lot of impulsive decisions made me take a very general major and doing manual labour for the simple reason that picking a direction is incredibly painful. But wasting away at dead end jobs instead of working with science, engineering or art have given me a lot of depression. Doing drugs for years to cope didn't really help either. I hope I still have enough braincells now at age 35 to still contribute at least a tiny bit to this world.

I have a 463.7 IQ and I am a complete Winner in life. I intend to live for 120 years and I exercise everyday to fight my Lynch Syndrome.


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145+ mensa
asd bpd

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What have you oregano done with your life?

>Why don't employers or colleges/universities ever make you do an IQ test?
They do.

124IQ, in law school with medriocre grades and hate my life, i want to graduate, do blue collar and move to argentina to die at 30.

I scored in the 140's but being a schizo raised by a single mother outweighed any potential I may have had.

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