Imagine how dangerous women could be if they weren't so fucking stupid

Imagine how dangerous women could be if they weren't so fucking stupid

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Women are stupid? Everyone keeps saying this. I dont think theyre stupid. I think they have different priorities. Can you give examples from your daily life?

I actually think there could be a science to the differences in gendered brains and default modes of cognition. But it would be hard to characterize completely

What makes you say that when men have no problems being dangerous despite being fucking retarded?
You don't belong here.

I belong wherever I choose to go

different kind of danger. Women are fucking psychotic manipulative bpd cunts, while men are just caveman hit bricks into the drywall dangerous.

if women weren't stupid they'd be men without a penis (so a eunuch or tranny)

stupidity is the defining concept of femininity

In terms of intelligence, tests show the smartest and dumbest humans are men. Women are average. But what robots mean when they say women are stupid is that they're more emotionally driven, which makes them do dumb irrational shit.

You hit the nail on the head. Imagine being an emotional creature (a human) fully capable of social harmony, then throwing that away for a delusion of "rationality" that ends in suicide, or an unfulfilling life alone. Men are something else.

Imagine how harmless women would be if men weren't so fucking stupid

It's the opposite though. Logical people strive for order and harmony whereas emotional people will ruin everything

Order and harmony mean nothing without emotion though. There is nothing for us except the world, we're literally forced to exist, so men created things like religion as a cope to create the illusion that there's a great purpose. That's emotion. People claiming to be totally rational or logical are often really sad, and there's no point to anything they accomplish, it's just a weird distraction until they die. We could understand the universe entirely and we'd still die.

Oh yeah, all those female friendship groups that can't go a week without fresh drama sure are harmonious.

Meant for in an original way

Why do women think it is a good thing being a burden on everyone around you? Sorry not interested in being your emotional tampon.

Try living with one. They have almost no logic in their brains, it's baffling.

Your idea of rationality is pretty extreme. Being rational doesn't mean you have to be emotionless. The goal is to feel happiness. Sometimes emotions make you want to do things that in the short term might seem right but in the long-term lead to less happiness. In these situations you have to suppress the emotions and focus on principles. This is something fucking children learn.

If you can use rationality together with emotion to live as a grounded human being, that's good. That's what most functioning people do, including women, but your view on women and emotion is also very extreme.

Which female friendship groups? I actually don't know what you're talking about, I guess it's a schizo delusion of some kind. Your imagination of what sorority is like must be miserable, but not reflective of reality.

I've read "emotional tampon" at least 4 times on here this week, is it the latest Reddit copypasta? It's funny because menstruation. Haha women amirite? Grow up retard.

newfag Imao

Sorry I don't make a habit of browsing your stinky board. Is there something intelligent you wanted to say or is that it?

The girls I lived with in college. There were 6 of them to start with and they were constantly having some kind of passive aggressive beef. Two of them don't talk to the rest now and I think one of them is just on the periphery. Meanwhile 7 of us guys and we were fine, we still are. Same story when I was in school, girls constantly having drama with each other, boys were chill. The girls even acknowledged it was more common for them. Anecdotal evidence I guess but I haven't seen anything to the contrary.