Why are 90% of jobs fucking terrible?

Recently, I've been trying to get my shit together. Working on quitting porn, exercising, and trying to center my life around my faith. The next thing that I've been trying to work on is getting a full time job so I can finally move out of my parent's house. But damn, everything I come across looks fucking awful and worthless. Gay and pointless office jobs or shitty paying labor jobs that only serve to provide value for some faceless company.

Every day, I am reminded that the modern world just has no meaning to it. What the fuck am I working towards? Am I just existing? How is that any different from when I was a NEET? Except now I get to be tired for nothing at the end of the day? It's such a bad deal.

If this were the 80's, I'd probably join the military, but then fighting for jewish oil companies and being the government's personal guard doesn't sound like a very good deal either.

Maybe I should just become a line cook or something because I'm already 27 and have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

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But I guess the socialist jewsus was right about capitalism being satan. Today's society is garbage. Humanity peaked in the 20th century

You're thinking about it too hard. Jobs are there to get you paid, if the job is good and gives you purpose that's a bonus. This is the world we live in. There's nothing stopping you from going military right now, I've had a go at it. I was infantry, not recommended. I'd say go for ammunitions. Your job will be to walk round the armories and check inventory, then go blow up expired missiles and shit. Ezpz.

What do you think about manual trades?
Being a roofer, building houses

I've been thinking about it. Though I'm not so certain that I'd be good at any of them. That's also the EXACT same thing that my dad did, and somehow thinking about it makes me feel like I'm failing even harder than I originally thought.

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Most jobs are paid slavery. Things people only do because their circumstance has wedged them into it. Do you think the guy who pumps septic tanks does it for leisure, passion, or self-fulfillment? Best thing you can do for yourself is to specialize and get placed higher up on the caste system.

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How is following in your fathers footsteps a failure?

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I quit my job a month ago. I asked the regional manager for a raise. He said "but we just gave you one last year". I quit on the spot

>What the fuck am I working towards?
Not becoming homeless and freezing to death.
If you have the option of being NEET why wageslave you fucking retard? Jobs are soul crushing, all of them. Welcome to the real world.

You're retarded, capitalism was 1000x times worse in the 1900s than literally any other decade. The good thing is that you don't have to work in a factory for 15 hours until you collapse from exhaustion anymore.

Having faith is better than being one of those retarded brain-addled freaks with no sense of identity, principles, or personal discipline. I despise the alphabet fag people and their gay neo-babylon.

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century* but you get what I mean

Idk. The man fucked up raising me. I've had to teach myself how to do everything over the past few years, and I've been having a rough go of it. Parents used to just let me sit on the playstation all day, everyday when I wasn't in school.
I know that I could do much more for myself, but I guess I don't have the luxury of choice. Maybe we're doomed to become our fathers.

>Any Forumstard
damn, no wonder you think life sucks.

Favorite PS1 game?
Did you read any of the PS1 Magazines back in the day? I miss demo discs

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why do entry level jobs have so many requirements

You actually nailed it on the head with FF7. But after I got a Ps2, I played a lot of platformers like ratchet and clank.



Have you considered not whining?

Do you consider wiping your ass enjoyable? No, this is unpleasant and sometimes feels shitty, but you do it because it's necessary for your well-being. Like having money or not being a whiny bitch ass.

Yeah. Do something.

> why do entry level jobs have so many requirements
The same reason the vax was mandated; there are too many fucking people on the planet. Everything is saturated. Depopulation needs to occur, ergo the vax.

to me any job that has you working most days of the week for almost all of the year just to pay rent and food is slavery.
since you browse the chinz i assume you have no life anyway so you should try getting a job that have you travel to weird places or talking to weird people. working on a ship, doctors without borders or some shit. its what you really wanted from the military anyway.
become a prison guard and build resume so you can be a park ranger one day or some shit. there are jobs that doesn't suck your soul but you're gonna have to let everything you know go.

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