Which would you choose?

A) All the bullies from your past die horribly in poetic ways


B) All the bullies from your past realize the pain they've caused, and turn into the good people for the rest of their lives

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I barely even remember my bullies so B I guess. One of them probably is a psychopath though so I doubt B is possible for him

>A) All the bullies from your past die horribly in poetic ways
I consider all the world elites (Rothschild and company) to have bullied me by making the world as shit as it is.
Death shalls await them

What did the Rothschilds do?

I used to jump my bullies after school and hit them with sticks and stuff...so I didnt really get bullied after the 4th time I jumped someone after they bullied me. I didnt fuck with people but if you fucked with me I fuck you harder back.

B every single time. A is evil. I never had bullies really. But, if I did, B is the correct and only option. I don't wish death upon those that have wronged me. Two wrongs is not a right. It's just two wrongs.

I've seen through you Satan.
It's normal for you to defend your beloved followers.

If I could choose option B and not have more autistic kids go through what I had to, I would do so in a heartbeat

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Choice A without a doubt. I didn't experience normal bullying. Mine was so bad I had to switch schools twice. I've never done anything to bring it on myself, either. I'm not obnoxious, or rude, or a cringe subculture type, I never did anything to bring it on but the cruelty was unreal. I experienced everything except direct physical violence but I did get my belongings stolen and damaged and paper thrown in my hair. The worst was the psychological manipulation and lies and weird games people played with me. People would pretend to feel bad for me and even be my friend for weeks and then it turned out I was the butt of a joke. I've been fake asked out, found out rumors were spread about me, been set up for pranks, just because some of my classmates just fucking hated me for some reason. It was unreal. It was so bad that some of them even messaged me as an adult and tried to apologize on Facebook and one of them even sent a letter apologizing to my mom and one to me. I told all of them to fuck off and pretended I didn't remember one of them. Why the fuck should they get to feel better about themselves at my expense AGAIN? No, they SHOULD feel like shit about how they treated me. Even as a kid that's no fucking excuse. I was a nice kid and I never deserved that shit. I don't care if you think I'm immature social trauma like that fucks a person for life. Why should I coddle a normalfag? Cucked much? I wish they all died painfully and slowly from cancer but only after losing their hair and teeth to chemo

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Normally I would have chosen A. I know many of the people that wronged me were in very harsh situations, but I still don't feel any sympathy for them.
On the other hand, one of them (who just liked to be a dick) eventually grew out of it and became a (seemingly) cool dude. It would be a shame to kill him, so I guess I'll go with B

I was never even really bullied but A. are you kidding me, do you think I'm a good person or something?

The world's fucked enough without my help. If B causes them such agony as to drive them to entirely reconsider their way of life then it may even be more cruel than the release of death.

For me I'd chose B.
I don't hate my past bullies, it's been a decade since I last saw them.
They did make my life hell in my school years yes but:
They might had a reason to act that way.
Troubled home life or just being sociopathic teens, I'm pretty sure that most of them grew out of it.
I'm just hoping that they'd become better people and do good things, helping their community and raising their children better than how they were raised.

I really don't care about the people who picked on me in school anymore. Their was two guys who always called me a fag and said a had a girly voice. But those guys spend their time hanging out on the street with people nearly a decade younger then them and both look like balding 40 year old men despite being in their mid 20s.

This hypothetical made me realize that I don't even remember most of my bullies now. Guess I finally moved on.

A, without a doubt. I don't care if they want to turn a leaf now, most have reproduced while I suffer. Let them meet Satan and never live to see grandchildren.

C) All of my bullies from my past coincidentally run into me while I'm alone at night and beat me to death

Definitely A.

I am not a Christian. I practice no sacrament of Reconciliation.

It compensates me naught if they reform, or if they go forth and sin no more. I want to balance my books.

The more people who die the better

Either button does nothing for me

I never really had bullies. There was one guy who was basically an asshole to everyone, he never really bullied me, just tended to yell obscenities at anyone who came near him. And there was another guy who was on so many levels of irony it was hard to tell if he was serious even when he was saying something totally normal. He was way smaller than me (6'1" ~200lbs vs. ~5'9" ~150lbs.) and I'm pretty sure he was just ironically being a dick because he thought it was funny. Other than that people left me alone because I left them alone. I stuck to a small group of friends and avoided everyone else.