I'm so thankful white birth rates are declining, less chance for this shit happening...

I'm so thankful white birth rates are declining, less chance for this shit happening. I'm planning on arming and training nonwhites in my area just in case any of you mayotards feel like a hero and want to get domed.

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worst insult u shitskins can think of is mayo

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You know that most hate crimes in the US are committed by non white people right? The most common is black people attacking orthodox Jews in New York. Same as how the news stopped talking about people attacking Chinese people for corona virus shit once it came out that the majority of the perpetrators weren't white.

I'm glad the cops are no longer posting mugshots to prevent racism.

Attached: Mugshots.jpg (925x1024, 90.77K)

Go back to r*ddit. I am sure this post will get you many karma.

>. I'm planning on arming and training nonwhites in my are-

Attached: 1532903356968.jpg (1280x720, 913.74K)

>new york
>10 dead from getting shot
>"Mass shooting"

lmfao how is this any different from any other weekend in NY or NYC for that matter?

Attached: anime-girl.gif (403x498, 579.32K)

>Source: My own stinky asshole.

Did you ever look an San Francisco mugshots before this? Oh right, no one did.

>10 dead
Women kill thousands of babies a day through abortion, why the fuck would it matter if 10 people got shot?

>I'm planning on arming and training nonwhites in my area
Can't wait to see the spike in "gang violence among 'youths'" where you live.

When was the last time ten (10) were killed in a single incident in New York? I've looked back through 2018 and all the scores are lower. New York is pretty safe for randos who aren't already involved in shit.

in chigago alone blacks kill like 50 people a day.

Selective, biased..MALICIOUS media coverage means nothing. The jews who run these organisations have a religious and ideological hatred of whites, and will lie and manipulate the truth to suit the purpose of hurting whites at all costs.

Blacks freely looted, raped, and murdered for months on end because the media told them that the career criminal drug addict who overdosed on fentanyl was actually a victim of le white on black violence. I do not care about your jewish nonsense, or your low IQ discernment capabilities when it comes to identifiying jewish nonsense.

>americans killing eachother
just keep going user, literally no one in the planet will stop you

Blacks kill 50 a day for money, which they need for food and drugs. The reason mass shooters are worthy of media coverage isn't because they killed people, it's because they did because Any Forums told them to.

for single incidents, Chicago's scores are low. you'd need to go back years to beat this one.

The News is excited they can finally report white on black violence.

>It's okay when we do it (for drugs)

Why is doing it for retards online any better? At least the nigger has a chance of making $50, The shooter is going to jail for the rest his life to get street cred with autists who will now call him a glowie for the rest of his life. That does not seem like "master race" thinking to me.


Bro let me kneel on your neck for 10 minutes and then tell me how it's not my fault you died