You're alone because you have a bad personality!

>you're alone because you have a bad personality!
Wow it's almost like your personality is formed during a period where the choices you make are heavily influenced by factors out of your control.

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also there is the whole halo effect + positive reinforcement loop

I think its funny leftist say this as if it isnt a bigger blackpill. Atleast you can change looks. Wtf am I supposed to do if im inherently unlikable as a person

its possible to have full control of your perception of your own circumstances, your perception being a way bigger influence on decisions than objective facts are

im alone because i spend all my time by myself.

Doesn't mean it can't be improved. I was a hopelessely awkward bullied khhv all throughout school but I worked on my personality and now that isn't the case.

>You must be looksmaxxed then!
I'm fat and ugly

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It's a meme, really they mean 'you don't have an interesting and/or dominant personality'. If you're ugly, being 'nice' is basically the best way to guarantee you'll stay alone unless you want to get abused by a dom girl.

Ok and? Nobody likes you even if its not your fault, start improoooooving

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Behavioural therapy. Shrooms

Take some responsibility OP. You're an adult now and have control of your own life. (Or not.)

If you can't do so then it's just another thing on the list of reasons why you're a failure

You have control over your own life now, take some responsibility and stop crying about it like a faggot

>come on bro you can fix it
>or not you fucking loser haha
like fucking clockwork

I didn't call you a loser; I called you a failure.

Which you are, by definition, if you fail to do something you know you want to do but only make excuses for

>le self improoooove
This reminds me of those loser kids that got told they would be successful while their bullies would become the losers after school. This is just something they told them so they wouldn't shoot up the school. In reality the losers stayed losers and their bullies went on to have successful and fulfilled lives.

>this reminds me of this cope i invented in my head to explain why I never fixed my life

Change for the better. If you're capable of recognising your flaws, then you're also capable of overcoming them. It's what I did when how much of a sperg I used to be finally clicked in

I literally said I improved and that it worked. Be defeatist if you want but going so far as to deny that it's even possible is weapons grade mental gymnastics.

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Ok how but originally?
>I was myself

Why do you think that you are unable to improve? You will not magically one day wake up and be more successful than your peers. You have to work towards it. You can do it, user.

>this is the strawman i invented in my head to tell myself i did everything by myself
survivorship bias

I actually am alone because of my personality.

Being non-violent, having feelings, restraint and being overall nice is a death sentence to men, according to women.

Men like me only thrive in structured monogamical societies with a future, the free for all Mad Max war women sexually select for isn't our game.

Attached: women favorite personality.png (628x499, 42.21K)

It's almost impressive how much effort you expend convincing yourself that this is your fate, if only that effort could be directed literally anywhere else

>responds to and not
every single time

its the law of the land user, bait is all that gets responses
refer to regular meditation can help some people too

Alright I'll bite. There is no single universal piece of advice that works for everyone because people are different which is why normies and low IQers boil it down to "be yourself". What they actually mean is to determine your strengths and weaknesses and play to your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. The biggest example probably being externalizing your self-consciousness. If you strongly dislike yourself and your circumstances it genuinely RADIATES off of you until you learn how to tone it down. This is the short version of what worked for me:

>Observe people who socialize successfully, figure out what works and why
>Incorporate what I learned into my own behavior and adapt it to my personality traits
>Practice on strangers while keeping track of my successes and failures
>At the same time, figure out what I hate about myself and am insecure over
>Attempt to either fix the problem or develop a better mindset about it if it's out of my control or I'm ultimately too lazy to bother

I was taking my time because I actually had to be thoughtful as opposed to the other post which was misanthropic tripe

Why ya'll so defeatist?

alright, but no one is in the wrong for preferring not to experience you now