Giving away the title unification match on free tv

>giving away the title unification match on free tv

kek Tony is going out of business faster than Bischoff

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It’s going to a heckin wholesome time limit draw and they’re gonna do another match at the PPV with a stipulation

if this doesn't get a milly i legitimately will keel over from fucking laughing too hard

Who debuts during the match?

Isn't it interesting how this company was growing against all odd - direct competition from WWE, on a channel in fewer homes - with its OG talents and stars sprinkled in with a few names from WWE. Then TK, in his wisdom, decided to toss all that out, hire a bunch of shitter from WWE, push out his OG talent or leave them in the Dark (usually on Dark), and then drove a knife in Cody's back for his beloved CM Phil. I seriously detest what's happened to AEW, and I hate Phil so much for coming in and shitting this promising company up.

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What if CM Phil has been placed by Vince and/or H to destroy AEW? Think about it.

I love this head canon from elite trannies that this shit show was ever competing with wwe lmfao. At no point did you take any market share from raw or smackdown. You competed with a developmental territory and barely scratched your way into winning that.

Punk is a talentless, egotistical douchebag cuck anti-draw that ruins everything he's in and he's still SURE he's the best in the world. It's fucking depressing what he did to AEW.

Why is Tony such a mark for Punk? I don't get it. What did he see in him especially after that UFC joke?

>sacrifices the PPV buyrate in you're path
Booker of the year.

>TV is Tony Khan's primary revenue stream
>Putting big matches on TV is....LE BAD!
What did Any Forums mean by this?

Like it or not, AEW beat WWE and pushed them from Wednesday. They were the first company to do that and be a genuine alternative to WWE. You can claim otherwise, but you're just deluding yourself and huffing massive amounts of cope. HHH's baby (which he stole from Dusty) got their shit pushed in by AEW. Since the arrival of Phil though? Mass unhappiness backstage, people being shoved in the dark, over-focus on WWE guys and who Phil likes. I cannot wait for the likes of Kingston, MJF, Hangman and the rest of the elite to shoot on his ass.

>TV is Tony Khan's primary revenue stream
He doesn't have a streaming deal, and he sells full-price PPVs like all the other indie feds.
Burning money is still burning money, and at the end of the day it is the opposite of what you want to do to grow your business. Bumping the ratings for one night will not improve TV deal enough to balance this out.

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Because Punk has single handedly increased revenue. Geeks like Hangman have never brought in one extra viewer or merch sale.

Okay. How you know?

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Because we know how much money he gets from his TV deal and we know how much money he gets from his PPVs and the latter is smaller than the former, because all of the numbers of both are public, dumbass.

>Bumping the ratings for one night will not improve TV deal enough to balance this out.
Doing big things on TV consistently to bring up your average rating and create the atmosphere that you can't miss the show because big things happen on the show is literally exactly what you do to improve your TV deal.

hopefully its only a 10 minute time limit

>Doing big things on TV consistently to bring up your average rating
Say it with me, y'all
Late stage WCW

WCW's primary revenue stream wasn't TV. They weren't angling for guaranteed 9 figure rights deals, when they burned big matches on TV, they were taking away from their main money maker, not trying to strengthen. Think about these things for five seconds next time, you simpleton.

but wasnt late stage wcw drawing millys?

They were losing money