Is everybody scared to admit that raw is actually good ?

Is everybody scared to admit that raw is actually good ?
Shit was entertaining and last night was one of the best raw episodes in years, why won't you guys admit that you were wrong and hhh is nothing like what you thought ?

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the matches are too long for me but its way better than before other than that.

Trannies are absolutely terrified.
They completely bought into the consolefag shitposting, and think there can only be one good show.

>hhh is nothing like what you thought
I was expecting long workrate matches and wrestlers wrestling for the sake of it and that's exactly what I'm getting. I don't like it. I've never liked it and I will never like it. Same reason why I don't like AEW.
But if nothing else it will be funny to see AEW become completely redundant now WWE is smark dogshit just like it.

RAW is almost never good, it hasnt been consistenly worth watching since like 2005

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>the matches are too long for me
fucking filtered
Based and memorypilled

*ends in DQ*
It's fucking trash, it's the worst of Gaytch with a splash of the worst of Vince thrown in for good measure and it's not the first time it's happened he already did the same shit with Io and Bianca. Long match with no stakes... ENDING IN A FUCKING DQ WASTING MY TIME. At least when Vince did that shit the matches were short, Gaytch is doing it with his overly long twenty minute faggot smarkbait matches.

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This. Plus the afflux of literal midgets and whos just for gaych to justify 6 years of NXT... I mean Vince booking was horseshit but at least he knew what to put on TV and what to leave out of his show

>the only thing resembling a character in the whole roster is Ezekiel
>no personal feud, just "hey user let's have a match"
>only way heels get heat is calling the crowd idiots
>speaking of crowd, even washington was DEAD
>every match is a 15mn get-your-shit-in fest with no psychology
>nxt shitters invasion
>but omgomg they can say "wrestler"!!!
enjoy the slow fall into the abyss

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>has one good RAW
>RAW is good now!

why are the WWE universe like this

Why lie?
>Best promos of the night were unadvertised
>15min match with no stakes and a DQ finish had the hottest crowd of the night
>Usos very loudly and visibly booed, getting monster heat for the DQ
>Furthers the storyline of wrestlers vs Bloodline

ya sweatin'?

If you think that show was good your standards are in the toilet my nigga

It's the best turd in the bowl right now, user. Which all it had to do to accomplish that was to make sense and not be filled with cringe shitters

never watching WWE again. cope

Well yeah, you can't get your dick back now that you chopped it off, retard

I couldn't make it to the end. The wrestling got better but the promos are still WWE promos and I don't like them. That and I don't really like anyone on the roster. There are fine wrestlers and everything but everything is so sterile and manufactured that it doesn't matter. WWE is still a machine and feels like one which is keeping me from calling myself a WWE fan again.

>but the promos are still WWE promos
"We are wrestlers in a wrestling ring. Let's wrestle!"

I didn’t watch because I don’t watch WWE and haven’t watched in 8 years.
lurking around, this seems like another cycle of hope before being sent right back down to disappointment.

I want it to be good, I enjoy wrestling as a whole, I’m not a brand loyalist. I’ve just been where you guys are before already. If post Vince WWE begins to be regarded as genuinely great, I might pick up an episode to check it out for myself. As it stands, something like this is standard and it’s only a matter of time before enough disappointment appears that would make one drop.

Great comment on your point

i thought last night was the weakest since h took over. Also Bagley and her uggos don't need 5 segments every show