ITT wrestlers you would settle down and start a family with

ITT wrestlers you would settle down and start a family with

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Muffin ass or pieter for the njpw noobs.

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Yes, we already know that ELP.

Mid-Late 90s Chyna

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is she high here or legit autistic

she was just reading fan questions but she does have a tendency to make retarded faces

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extremely fertile genetics

I love this little retard like you wouldn't believe

I’d make these two sister wives.

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In a literal heartbeat

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based Shayna enjoyer it would honestly be great to watch the Vikes with her and make fun of Kirk Cousins

Sasha Banks is the only women’s wrestler I would ever want to be with. She’s the GOAT.

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i love this gypsy whore bros

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You'd have to defeat me in a shoot fight first.

Shes built to be bread.

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What is wrong with this man's forehead

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Talk all the shit you wish to about Sasha Banks. You’re all almighty keyboard warriors. Such a big threat to society…NOT! It’s best you all continue to stay locked up in Mommy’s and Daddy’s basements. Banks is the hottest woman to ever exist and the only women’s wrestler that matters. Go ahead and bitch and complain some more, it is one of those things that never gets old. Any of you criticizing anyone else’s physical appearance is comical. Try looking in the mirror. Keyword: Try.
