ITT fembots tell robots how to get a gf. GO!

ITT fembots tell robots how to get a gf. GO!

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KHHV so take it how you will but it always seems to be:
1. Guy walks up to woman and hits on her and they hit it off and they exchange numbers.
2. One gets introduced to the other via friends.
3. Tinder and for whatever reason they stick.

install tinder

No. Robots are irredeemable. They have a permanent mark on them that automatically sets off red flags. It won't matter what they do to even improve or what advice you give them. We can spot them a mile away and will always be disgusted by them.

Just go kill yourselves already.

>No. Robots are irredeemable
You don't believe that or you wouldn't be here.

Lol shut up trannoid, you should be happy if a robot ever wants to even be your friend. Nobody wants your diseased tranny ass.

But they don't have a radar for rapist and abusive Chads?

Yeah, women have magical mind reading abilities that let them detect that you make misogynist posts online, but it stops working when the dark triad Chad they're dating is about to knock them the fuck out for the fourth time that week kek.

>go on /soc/
>go to thread for your state, ideal mate thread, or discord thread
>contact girls with similar interests and values
>keep talking to the ones you click with the most that lives the closest to you
>meet up in real life and have a date
>become boyfriend and girlfriend
>have sex
>move in together
>adopt a dog
>take a painting class
>go on vacations
>shitpost on Any Forums about it and gloat about how lucky you are

>similar interests and values
I'm not sure I'll find similar values on /soc/.

this does not work, just because you like them does not mean they will have any interest in you.
The best thing to do is make a post of yourself and you are more likely to find someone that likes you, though it will be pretty hard to get someone to add you.

same, by all means places like here should be my ideal place but I took one look at /soc/ and it was a dumpster fire, not to mention completely different from my values

Fembots don't exist and the femanons who come to this board would also be unable to get any female attention if they would bodyswap with a robot.

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You are not a lot of help, fembot.

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If you have a job, a car, and a house you can probably get some sort of gf. the problem is that most guys who are well off don't like women and accuse them of being "gold diggers" or "sluts". honestly I don't know what you men expect. you need to offer something to get a gf and we aren't going to wait around for you to get you life together. if you can't offer good dick the only thing you could ever hope to offer is cash.

All of the whores on soc have like 100 body count.

The egg does not chase the sperm
What if she was just on /soc/ for erp but a virgin? Many such cases

The issue arises from the fact that men are sentient humans that value personality, shared interests, et cetera. Whereas women are spiritually closer to animals, their process for finding a suitable partner is very primal and rudimentary. Personality, values, morality, and almost everything non-material is not a factor for a woman's attraction. Genetic quality and resources are the only important ones, and in modern times it's mostly about genetic quality since women earn nearly as much as men.

The true crux of the problem is that most men are not aware of this. We expect you to like our personalities, after all we value a woman's personality a lot, and we are told that women are our equals, so it follows that women SHOULD care about things like that, right? Wrong. Women care about things like how tall you are or whether or not you are rich and powerful enough to make her friends jealous. Humans used to understand this but in recent times we've decided that we're smarter than our ancestors, so we decided to give women rights. It was a male decision, mostly, so I guess in a way it's our fault. Not unlike a parent giving a gun to a child. The kid might shoot someone but men are the adults that should know better, women are essentially children. Impulsive and animalistic. But it's all been said and done now.

So what do women do when they are given equality? They bitch and moan and cry about how they should get paid more despite the fact that they refuse to do the high paying jobs like welding or taking up leadership roles. They absolutely demolish the dating market and turn it into a shitfest where everyone goes around with a checklist of arbitrary requirements that each potential partner needs to match. Global intelligence declines because high IQ people don't reproduce because women do not select for intelligence, and the rare intelligent woman is preoccupied with her career, usually office non-jobs that contribute nothing.

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>keep talking to the ones you click with the most that lives the closest to you
That's kind of a problem because seemingly zero women on this site are from where I'm from.
I spoke to potentially one before who was sick of how bad the dating game is around here, but she stopped talking to me for some reason.
I don't think I'm gonna make it around here man, things are really bad

so all relationships are transactional, commodified and the only reason for two people to ever be together is to reap benefits and rewards from each other. the mind of a female. your kind disgust me.

>"offer" having a job, a car, a house, be 6'2, rich, big dicked, etc
>ask the fat frumpy femcel what she offers
>"uhmm... me!!"


you wanted advise on how to get a gf. there are romeo and juliet stories but most of you incels are no romeos. that's why you are in the situations you are in. if you want I could lie to you and say that all you need to do is be yourself and someday 18 year old qipi virgin will see you walking down the street in you mustard stained tee shirt and fall in love with you.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Honestly a gf offers more emotional labor and internal fulfillment than all of those paltry factors put together. A woman can give you a reason to live. Also, fuck her for wanting the bare minimum, right? If you don't have your own car I don't care what you look like my vagina is closed.

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Please tell me the secret to making you like me, fembot. What is so bad about giving away the secret? It will not be used against you so why care? Tell me? It's all I've ever wanted was to be liked by a girl.

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If it were that ez, this board wouldn't be so popular

>mustard stained tee shirt
I don't think those are the kinds of people actually asking for advice on how to get a gf.
I do what I can, groom myself for success.
Hygiene, nails, hair, skin, clothes, and physique.
I try to keep a positive outlook while maintaining set goals (which are objective in that they either require me to do X amount of thing, or they require me to do something for X amount of time).
I still want to know if there's anything more I could do to make a girl happy.

you might not like it but thats the way it works. I could go on tinder and line up a date within minutes. I need some way to filter through the men and that means they need to offer something.

You are an animal living on impulses. Men assume you are better and end up disappointed, hence why we eventually learn to see you as gold diggers and sluts.

You can get men to pump and dump you, but the Chads you want will always have better options.
Enjoy your antidepressants and your future cat farm of an apartment, Chad won't settle for you and you're dying alone.

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you vastly overstate your own worth, shitcunt. i've had a few girlfriends before whilst offering none of that shit, they simply liked me for me, and no, the emotional labour was coming from my side because you things never fucking pipe down or take a day off. consequence of having a vagina and the associated hormones and equipment that comes with it. you are like children whose feelings we constantly have to fucking babysit. saying women give men a reason to live is the most ass backwards shit i ever heard, if anything you give men more reasons why they need to get the fuck out of this life.

Transition and meet another MtF robot.

honestly your hygiene isn't that important. your appearance has already failed you. the thing you could do that would make a girl happy is provide for her financially.

>you might not like it but thats the way it works.
It does? Because high value men aren't lining up to date your dumpy looking ass. You are a walking talking cumsock at best lmao

>download all the apps
>swipe right on only women in your league instead of stacies
>try to speak them and see if you connect
>ask the ones you mesh with out on a date
>congrats, you're now bf and gf
i've met all my bfs on the apps, it's very easy. you just have to be patient

You teach people how to treat you, retard, that's why you are trash and I am a queen

it's easy to not be pumped and dumped, just don't fuck on the first date. you act like all women are just naive bimbos who are constantly be cycled through by "chads"

>your appearance has already failed you
I'm not ugly or anything. My worst trait is some acne scars that I've been taking tritetenoin for.
>provide for her financially
That would make her secure, but that won't make her happy. It would make her miserable to be stuck in a marriage just because she needs my money to live with no desire to actually be with me.
I want to know what would make a girl love me and what would make a girl have distaste for me.
I don't expect a single easy answer, I expect a long list of nitpicks that I can chip away at over time.
Habits are a good start, we are what we repeatedly do after all.
So what habits do girls like to see in men, what habits don't they?
These are things I can work with.