I was wrong

A time ago some user here asked 'how does someone know when a girl is interested in them?' and I said they give you 'the look'. Some other user said something to the effect of 'that's bullshit they do that then forget about you 2 weeks later' and I just want to say to that second user that you were fucking right. I like a fool was lovestruck by a girl giving me googly eyes who legitimately forgot that I existed less than a month later and when I spoke to her today she said whos this? the one from the store?...jesus fucking christ, we're all fucked.
at least good music exists

Attached: wergewrg.jpg (640x360, 21.97K)

Is there a depiction of this look instead of that spooky image you attached?

God I fucking hate that tool video. It makes me feel so uneasy.

She mad you didn't ask sooner, so she's pretending to have forgotten about you.

"the one from the store"?

user were you ever in this girls social circle proper like did you text her or something at least

If you basically never talked with her no wonder she doesn't remember you. Seriously user

the op is from the Tool - Parabola music video, is this better?

Attached: 1567301950756-4927.jpg (1920x1080, 646.38K)

thats bullshit, she had already agreed to go on a date but ghosted in the middle of a conversation

kind of, met her thru work, asked to go out, agreed, texted for a day, ghosted, touched base today (over a month later)

user don't say no mo I get it

You're all dumbasses.
That look is your signal to lock that shit down NOW.
If you ignore or think it will comeback around or some shit good fucking luck because you failed the shit test.
They basically challenged you to approach them so if you didn't hop over and ask their number and hit on them immediately they assume you aren't interested in them for some reason.
No reason they will come up with in that situation will be nice or flattering to them so they decide fuck you and move on. At that point why care enough to remember you.

except i did move on it and we had agreed on a date, later to only be ghosted and forgotten

I've been debating on moving on because I only pursue one woman at a time but when she said that shit I moved on immediately like..I'm just straight up not compatible with someone who entertains multiple crushes at a time. Nope I'm out. I deserve way better, I've been cheated on before and that is the rudest shit I've ever experienced in my life.

If a woman talks to you AT ALL, she is interested on some level. you just have to strike while the iron is hot

Did you follow up? Did you literally hit her up for the first time a month later?

maybe someone moved faster than you

Tool user, I always type tool lyrics in your thread. I saw them live in 2019

see my greatly original response here

So you asked her out for a date on x day at y time at z location? She said yes, then on the day of cancelled?

No, im a mechanic, she wrecked her car brought it to the shop for advice. Asked her for a date, she said yes, when she gets her car back from body repair shop. Started texting, ghosted while texting, I called today unexpectedly and she gave me the response in the OP.

So you got her number, but only asked for a date a month later with limited communication in between?

No, you didn't. You waited for that date.
You take her out that night if it was work or then and there. Waiting tells them you don't give that much of a shit meanwhile some chad who isn't an idiot got given the same opportunity between then and your "planned" date and she went with them because he took her out then and there.

Forgot this bit.
You NEVER FUCKING EVER let women sit unless you already have married them. In which case you never let her exist unmonitored.
Never forget these. They will every single time have goldfish memory and attention spans and bail/cheat on you the second the opportunity presents itself.