Why do you hate women/people?

Im genuinely curious, I know most people don't give a shit about you, but I want to know why some people go into extremes.
>t. failed normie

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99% of people i've met are either incredibly dishonest, actively hostile, utterly brainwashed, completely retarded, or some mix of those. I can't fucking stand speaking to most of them, a majority of people genuinely are just like feral animals who only use their "intelligence" to suit their shallow emotional needs, and only think in terms of "how does this make me feel" instead of actual logic. Fuck them all. And this is coming from a handsome (many women have described me as such so i'm not just being vain) 6'5 guy, i cant even imagine how much shittier people would be if i was short or ugly. If you're intelligent, you probably genuinely cant understand how fucking utterly thoughtless and incapable of basic shit the average person is. I found out recently that a majority of people cant even name the three stages of the fucking mesozoic

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Because my chances with women a close to nil, because of how I was born.
Literally not even memeing, I am not a fakecel.

i don't

i just like this site

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I think you are going a bit too off the charts. Not that there aren't a lot of greedy people, but I don't necessarily think all people are out on getting you specifically, and have met some genuinely good folk over the couple of years I have happened to live. I've also had the displeasure to be with horrible people, but putting so much emotion into hating people in general feels like too much energy consumed on things that will never be changed.
Also neither do I know the 3 stages of mezosoic, but I can always search it up if I want to. I don't care to memorize useless info unless I like the topic. Kind of an autistic focus, unironically.
If for physical deformities, then I understand. I don't know you, but hating people just because you got unlucky seems self-destructing. Mind if you tell me how old you are?
Then this question wasn't for you.

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Because they hate me. Simple as.

>Mind if you tell me how old you are?

Could you please elaborate? I don't think people are out on getting you unless you did something wrong. Otherwise, people just hurt other people for their own good, but I don't think it is personal.

I don't hate women, I've just dated enough of them to realize that statistically I'm better off alone.

All people are out to get me specifically. I was a good kid, in a nice neighborhood, I suffered 3 attempted kidnappings, a molestation, plenty of bullying, a lifelong chronic medical condition that to this day keeps me from living life, functioning in college, and holding a job, and 3 attempted murders, all before the age of 13. Fuck all of them, the slightest thing that challenges the average person's beliefs will turn them into a raving lunatic, FUCK ALL OF THEM.

Elaborate on what? And I never said anyone's trying to "get me". You can dislike or hate someone (or a group) without actively trying to fucking kill them

Ahh, it is some time.
My only guess is for you to try to pick up a new hobby with physical meetings, get passionate about it, socialize and never have the mindset of "getting a gf". I think that only by not being desperate and being sensible may help with you issue. Then again I don't personally know you, but I wish you luck and hope that you will succeed.
May happen, I'm not here to judge. I've just read here throughout the years that they hate women specifically because they can't be with one, which I think it's an unhealthy mindset.
I can't help you with immense trauma, but it is not more unserstandable why the hate. I am sorry.
But you haven't given any explanation on why you are getting negative attention. People don't hate you for no reason, I just find it curious why you get hate from people.

Because I'm ugly and a man.

I don't hate women, it's not their fault they don't want to date or fuck an autistic loser.
I hate people because I've been wageslaving long enough to have grown to hate people.

Then people don't hate you, you are just an unattractive man.

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There blatantly is some simple, imperceptible thing that makes people naturally despise certain people, no matter how normal or likeable they may seem to be otherwise. I have it, I've seen it in a few other people, I have no idea what it could possibly be. There's just something about certain people that sets of the monkey brain in less developed/logical people and makes them instantly hostile.

People hate unattractive men.

People don't even think about you, but you focus too much on this image. You are either obnoxious yourself or just delusional. I can say it because I'm not a perticularly beautiful person, but even so people usually just ignore you, because people don't care unless you catch their attention by doing something.

>if they don't actively spend every second of their life thinking "god i fucking hate user" they don't dislike you (or the group you fall into)
>goes on to do the old "oh you're ugly? you must be an awful person" song and dance to prove my point further
Also how the fuck do you think "well if you make yourself totally invisible and be a good little worker drone they won't actively shit on you and will tolerate your disgusting presence" somehow means they don't hate you? If you're not allowed to do or say anything lest you risk a physical or verbal beating you're hated, mate.

Women hate me. It's only reasonable that I hate them back, right?

i don't know if I would say I hate people. I am critical of people but that doesn't mean I think everyone is totally bad. For example I don't like how most women seek out chad for promiscuous hookups but most women are more than just sex objects. they might make bad decisions in that area of their life but they can be good people besides that.

>Women hate me for being an average male
>I am not allowed to hate them in turn
Regardless, I don't need a reason, other people are pests.

>a majority of people genuinely are just like feral animals who only use their "intelligence" to suit their shallow emotional needs, and only think in terms of "how does this make me feel" instead of actual logic.

Those people recognize that they have only one life to live and they'd rather spend THEIR time on the things and people THEY are passionate about.

So what you mean is "they're selfish and don't care about stabbing innocent people in the back if it makes them feel good, even if it screws them over in the long term"

I don't hate anyone in particular but I am extremely averse to associating with people in real life. I simply figured out early on in life, though some trial and error, that solitude is my natural state of being. Everything is peaceful when I am alone so to maintain this peace I avoid letting people into my life who would cut into it. I am completely open to online companionship since this type of socialization doesn't cut into my physical peace but recreationally meeting people in real life is something I will not do.

I don't think this logic is inherently right or wrong, it's just what I've gathered about human nature and it makes the cruelty and suffering in this world less surprising