How do we unironically solve the growing incel problem among young men?

How do we unironically solve the growing incel problem among young men?

No meme answers

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Put women in their rightful place again. Make simping illegal. Simple as.

Force young men to socialize IRL during the week.

You cannot. The fuse has been lit.
This is the future you chose.

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Typically they were probably disposed of in wars in the past

Women who are 7/10 or higher may have the option to write off a portion of their taxes in exchange for confirmed virginities taken.

Where would they even socialize? I can't think of any designated public place for mass amounts of men to go out and just meet new people besides bars and nightclubs.

Parks? Malls?

You could eliminate 80% of the problem by rolling back the welfare state, divorce law, and child support law to its 1963 equivalents. But it would take two generations. And that doesn't help anyone on this board in the current year.

It's also about as likely politically as space aliens coming to Earth and solving the problem for us.

Convince women to consider autistic men or find a cure.

Literally shut down the Internet, everyone goes back to socializing on street corners, in bars, at parties.

>No meme answers

There are none, the only effective solutions are unrealistic for economic and other reasons.

I know many male friends who started dropping out of society (staying neet, leeching off parents/neetbux) , others turn gay and date guys or troon out. The last group are the npcs who just dont care

Yeah this would help too but the only way it would happen is if women were disenfranchised, which isn't going to happen since women are 55% of voters and most men are simps.

The Taliban unironically solved the feminism problem in their country in about two weeks.

Why care, though? If women just want chad anyway, why should I be sad about not having that in my life?

>How do we unironically solve the growing incel problem among young men?
you can't. pandoras box was opened with social media and dating aps, there is no turning back now for the west. the only thing other countries can do that dont have it widespread is try to ban those apps for as long as they can, but eventually it will take root there as well.

but the incel "problem" is just a result of women's hypergamous nature finally being fully realized via social media and dating apps. they've always wanted to be like this, now they can be. nothing you can really do about it, its just their nature.

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You can't. As the standard of living goes up, women have more opportunities (travel, internet dating, work, study), the less they are inclined to even marry let alone not choose very carefully who to pick. The true blackpill is that unless a major economic crisis happens real soon, it's gonna get worse. Ukraine's example also shows that women just flee the country and slut it up in some other country, while the men die.

Legalize prostitution and brothels, hell, subsidize it.
You're retarded, all of the raping and death from warring would cause a boom in single motherhood, so it only delays the cycle.

A centralized dating registry that any adult can sign up for. A site and app lists everyone in the nation also on the registry with a picture and a brief bio about their likes/dislikes/hobbies/etc.
Each person sets their own preferences down to specifics (like filtering for certain races, within 15 miles of you right now, by height/weight, or personality traits).

People can only see people they want to be with AND who would want to be with a person like them. Stop being woke and letting people match with those they don't want, then more successful relationships would occur.
Introverts would match if they looked for other introverts, everyone is happy.

Gulags or labor camps if you want to be fancy about it.

Put women in their places or make war great again. If 10% of men die in battle now there are thousands of surplus women who will die childless. So they will fight for your fick, destroying the 80/20 rule.

>How do we unironically solve the growing incel problem among young men?

Keep them off the internet. Place less emphasis on politics, women, popculture and instill the importance of strength, ability, intelligence, and self worth.

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>celibacy is outlawed
>anyone who is single has to register for dating registry or face punishment
>dating registry AI automatically analyzes and matches singles together
>everyone gets their most compatible partner

Yes, involve the state in your personal sex/intimacy life, I'm sure nothing could go wrong, definetly not like when it was involved in your personal health during the Coof years.

Take away women's rights. It's that simple, but it's not profitable short term

State offers many services, many of which I do not need at all, why not offer something that would be an actual improvement?

>So they will fight for your fick

ficki ficki

Does it need to be solved?

Monitor autists and dont let them use incel forums / arrest them over it.

All the weird incels who act out have autism

>The fuse has been lit.

It's that simple, let me tell you an uncomfortable fact:
Not a single society in the history of mankind managed to reverse a runaway hypergamy event, it has always ended the same way and we won't be spared either.

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That's bullshit and an extremely low IQ take, wars usually took a minimal toll on the total male population and they usually culled the bravest.

>register or face punishment
Yes, probably better to fix it before we get the first incel president. Then things get messy.

Forced service can still be a good service.

>first incel president

Will never happen in a democratic society, women + simps will always be a majority of any society, and since the modern right-wing is full of more overt incel types than ever before, you will never get most women to even vote tradcon again the way they did in the past.