What do you think of flamers?

what do you think of flamers?

fun? repulsive?

Attached: twinks.gif (320x569, 1.41M)

i hate larray but i like him, and i'm straight

explain, all of these things are contradictory

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For rape, for hours, in vans and in basements

So basically you would hatefuck him and you dont think that is gay?

extremely disgusting and repulsive

i LOOK exactly the same as the guy on the left expect I dont act gay. However, people assume im gay lmao.

single handedly make me never want to try gay shit.

please tell me your discord i'm not gay but a larray doppelganger existing is crazy

there are plenty of mixed men with curly hair out there that look like him, he is extremely average looking

This is me lol. He has more hair but I cut it recently because was over my eyes

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you're objectively hotter

very very fun

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It's fine if they're actually gay and not just appropriating gay culture

cuteee. Are you a e-boy or just happen to be a good looking robot

i don't know any straight men who appropriate gay culture to the extent that they could be considered a flamer

we called it being metrosexual at one point. turns out that was just gay men though.

wat? meterosexual men do exist

yeah, they're closeted gay men.

I wish I was hot enough to go full flamer.

you don't have to be hot to be a flamer. one of the dudes in the OP gif is ugly af