
Why is life so fucking empty? What the fuck am I doing wrong?

I'm 32 now, gonna be 33 this year and my life is boring as all fuck.

I'm sitting here doing literally fucking nothing on a friday. Having a beer and being an insomniac, I won't sleep until past 4-5am.

I'm 6'3, handsome, and making 225k a year, but I never hang out with anyone. I work at home alone all week and weekends I'm still here alone. Dating apps are a fucking bust, women reject me on them always. It takes like 500 swipes to get one match and she is subpar.

I've been living in this same fucking city for 6 years, I'm sick of this fucking place. I want to live in Norway and have a fucking blonde wife and impregnate her.

Why did this happen? I'm making money but it's fucking worthless. Fuck this gay existence. I'm bored as fuck. I just want to be around humans.

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>making 225k a year
>I want to live in Norway
Then move, faggot.

Sounds like you need some dick in ya ass

I'll lose the money and I'll still be lonely but in a fucking foreign country.

I think I'd have to get a job there to move. Everyone I know would think I'm fucking insane but maybe fuck them.

The only reason I stick around where I am is because my parent's are getting older, I think my mom has dementia. I feel like I can't abandon them.

no matter what you do you will never be happy

>I want I want I want
Irrelevant. It's all bullshit. The past you wanted everything you have right now and look where it got you. Stop chasing shit outside of you and look within

Start smoking crystal. It's what my parents did when I was growing up and now I'm starting.

I was happy last year. Had a gf. Somehow she made friends wherever the fuck she went. I've lived in the same place for 4 years and haven't even met my neighbors.

She moved to Europe for school and left me behind. Now I'm alone all the time and fucking bored.

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>Look within
Sounds nice but wtf does that mean exactly?
How can I take action on something like that?
I'm looking within right now and I can tell I'm unhappy.

Meditation and journaling my man
That's good, keep doing it, write all that shit out all day long if you have to. Eventually you will realize it's all crap, you barely need anything to be happy, just good food, family, exercise, clean air and nature. Then you are free. Anything good on top of that is just a bonus, chasing chasing chasing just twists your mind out of shape. Don't worry, you won't become a loser or unmotivated, if anything you'll be more motivated once you get your mental health right

I will never understand how people here can make this upwards of 150k and not be able to solve a simple problem like this. What do you do for work?

> Meditation and journaling my man
I've meditated before. I'm sorry user but I can't help but feel like these are just platitudes that are told to people when there's no real answer.
>just go meditate bro
I don't mean offense, bc I appreciate your reply but it doesn't sound like it's going to fix my issues.

>Money doesn't matter
I agree, but frankly, all the jobs I see outside of my field are so ridiculously exploitative I can't imagine doing them. I do need money, I might as well do a job where I make a lot and don't work hard/ am not treated like shit.

I'm a FAANG software engineer.
Imagine you were put in the middle of a city with no friends in your early 30s. How do you get a social life? I don't fucking know. All my friends I know of solved this problem by getting married and fucking off somewhere, but I can't attract any fucking women.

you fell for the rat race meme. Robots and really humans in general do not need exorbitant amounts of material possessions. You should have spent that time and effort finding what makes you fulfilled and happy.

How, if you're tall, handsome, and making money, something isn't adding up.

Are you a raging narcissist? Politically far anything? What could you be doing that is alienating.

I don't make 225k but I'm somewhat similar; tall, decent looking, solid careers, two degrees, interesting job. But the job is also a deadweight that keeps me tied down to the same, shitty midwest city, and I hate it here. Can't get a girl cause spaghetti.
For real though, I went and did a tour of Europe last year, was a literal lifesaver for me. Gonna do Asia and India next year.

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>Are you a raging narcissist?
>Politically far anything?
Right, but I keep that to myself.

>What could you be doing that is alienating
I'm starting to think I'm just really fucking boring. I don't know if I bring anything to the table for anyone. My only real hobby is playing video games. I'm introverted and probably come off as a bit of an autist which prob doesn't help.

Besides that I don't fucking know. I know I'm not ugly because I've dated/hooked up with good looking women before. One chick was even semi-famous.

>But the job is also a deadweight that keeps me tied down to the same, shitty midwest city

Fuck you sound just like me. I am doing a tour of Europe in a couple months. But after that I'm just coming back to this same dumb shithole.

I'm starting to think I need to find a digital nomad job. But they seem to pay less then it would take to sustain me fucking off around the world all year.

>I'm starting to think I'm just really fucking boring
Doesn't matter if you're handsome/rich.
My bet is you're not as good looking as you seem to think you are.

I'm 6'3" and reasonably attractive, enough that I've been hit on by women before, but I feel similar to OP. I have an impressive job, I make good money, and yet I strike out on dating apps all the time. I'm certainly not a narcissist, if anything I have low self-esteem issues. Modern dating is fucking terrible largely because modern society is alienating and lonely. Men used to belong to social clubs, bowling leagues, etc. where they could expand their social circles, which naturally expanded the amount of women they come in contact with. These groups really don't exist any more.

I actually finally got a really good looking, smart girl through a dating app after years of trying and she just broke up with me yesterday after two months of dating. So now I'm drinking and sadposting on Any Forums which I haven't done in years

See this post.

I think I'm a 7 at worst. I'm tall, blond hair, blue eyes.
I don't think I'm Gods gift to women, but nobody has ever called me ugly, and I've been able to attract decent looking women in my life.

motorcycles are pretty fun

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OP here.

I've actually seen scientific papers on dating apps and how women match. It's hypergamy on steroids.

The top 5% of men get the absolute lions share of matches.
The next 30%, me and you, get matches few and far between.
The bottom 70% don't get shit.

The problem is that for that top 5% of men, they will swipe right on anything they would fuck, which is a pretty broad category. So they match with lots of women beneath them, but that they would fuck.

This gives all the chicks a giant inflated ego. If I was matching with solid 10s all day, would I date a 7? Hell no.

I met a fat chick at a bar one day, she was probably a 6, I wouldn't date her. She had over 3000 matches on bumble. That's when I knew the game was rigged.

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Actually not a bad idea. Maybe I'll even get into a wreck and get fucking decapitated.

I'm aware of these studies but it's plainly obvious even without them. My cousin is 300 pounds and she's an annoying cunt and she's constantly bouncing from boyfriend to boyfriend. She went out with a doctor recently, and he wasn't bad looking
Meanwhile I view getting swiped right and subsequently ghosted to be a success

That sucks user, she failed to see your worth. Don't worry, you'll get through this.

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How long? Meditation is not a quick fix

Sorry bro but your goals are stupid/vapid and that's why your life feels empty. Right now you're like a rat running around in a maze and you can't see that and that's why you need to meditate every day. If you chase the same things everyone else does you'll just end up like the rest of the idiots on antidepressants. If you don't elevate yourself, help others/help humanity you'll just waste all your life playing video games when you get depressed cause you can't get pussy. You'll get friends and girls easier if you actually have a higher purpose instead of being another husk chasing pussy

>Why is life so fucking empty? What the fuck am I doing wrong?
You're a whiny little bitch, that's what's wrong. LIfe's hard, then you die. You could have infinitely more suffering in your life, so shut the fuck up and man the fuck up.

Damn if only I was tough like you user. Then this shit just wouldn't be a problem I guess.