hates her dad

> hates her dad
> does drugs
> cuts
> bright green hair
> bipolar
> very insecure
Archetypal Ramona Flowers. How do I fix her?

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Kidnap and rape her daily until she breaks and develops stockholm syndrome. You'll have your tame tradwife soon.

i wish i could do this without getting arrested

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the perfect woman. for real dog.

lol yeh :Mudkip:

Are you sure it's bipolar and not BDP? They have a lot of overlap and there are several big red flags here. My advice is to assume you've only seen the tip of the iceberg. Get your dick wet because that sex will be amazing, but you are a fool to commit or try to save her.

Don't be stupid and don't get caught.
Study her from a distance and anonymously. Investigate her social circle, who's who, when do they meet, who she talks to, where she talks to them, learn how she texts, how she sees the world, what she posts. Interiorize everything about her so that when you take her, "she" remains active for a few days while you dispose of the evidence.
Don't leave any trace of your actions.

Hypothetically, of course.

too troublesome, i'd only do it with consent

sauce on that ginger? :desu:

I want to have sex with this redhead very much

Here you go guys you can copy mine


Probably not the best place to ask - most people on this board can't even fix themselves!

Kloe Kane

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thanks user I don't know how to copy :(

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>fix her
Lads... I don't have the heart to tell him.

Wonder if its a lifestyle thing that causes this
>hates her dad
Probably connected to why she's very insecure,cuts, and does the drugs
>bright green hair
Money's on the insecurity
If you can figure out why she hates her dad, that might untangle the other problems.

could be either one, I'll look deeper into both. Some days shes super nice then the next she'll be an ass and not want to talk and stuff
she's not a whore

>Wonder if its a lifestyle thing that causes this
She's pretty normal aside from all those things. Doing well in college, works, has normiesphere of friends, etc
> If you can figure out why she hates her dad, that might untangle the other problems.
From what I've gathered, he left when she was younger, fought with her mom, was an alcoholic, and I think she resents him because he's white and her mom is from Vietnam (weird anti white people thing)

There's the groundworks right there. If its a race thing maybe she hates her white side but looks down on the asian? Couple that with an unstable household possibly resulting in maybe unresolved trauma.

Definitely doesn't look down on Asian, she seems to really want to reconnect with her mom's culture via learning the language and traveling there in the past. She asked me if I thought she was whitepassing with her mask on.
> Couple that with an unstable household possibly
She described it as very stable but it was all apparently an illusion and her parents never really loved each other and stuff like that
> resulting in maybe unresolved trauma
What's the best move on my end, assuming this is the case?

I'm no psychologist, maybe stick around and see if she ever confides what it is that compels her to do the fucked up shit, or if she actually likes doing it.

It may be different since she knew him, but very generally speaking, kids (especially girls) who grew up without their biological father WILL seek them out later, probably in their teens, maybe in their 20's. It creates a void in them that they yearn to fill. Even if there is a wonderful step-father in the picture, they will still probably seek out their real father. Some anons don't get this or think it shouldn't be this way. Wish in one hand shit in the other. It's a relatively permanent wound

I will say this, even if you decide to pursue her, this is a pivotal question to answer... Is she self aware? If she is not aware of how she destroys everything she touches, then you cannot save her. You may not want to hear that but it's truth. If she is self aware, then you should ask or discern if she is willing to improve herself. You cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped. If she knows and she wants to be good, then proceed with caution.