Name a better girl

Name a better girl.
Protip you can't

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>Name a better girl
Mikasa. Easy.

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CHRISTINA! How many times do I have to tell you to stop posting about yourself on @channel. We have to get back to working on the Phone Microwave so we can stop SERN's future from coming true.

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I wish Kurisu were real but then I remember I kind of know someone better... that happens to be real

final season really puts the MAN in Ackerman

Mikasa a shit, Historia and Anne are both leagues better and even Sasha has more character. Imagine being that devoted to a petty chud cuck who takes you for granted

You can't just say that and not tell us about the real life Kurisu user.

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Man the things I will do to get based Any Forums user girlfriend

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It's an experiment! I have implanted an electrode in the hippocampus of each of every poster who responded to this thread. Including you. And there's no -TINA!

I was just thinking about this show... must be the will of Stein's Gate!

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She's not the glamorous character that people seem to expect but she's a nice person to have irl.

i know one
100x better than that skank

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underground show, underground woman
but most importantly, MY underground woman

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Kurisu was best girl to me until Maho appeared.

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If I am lucky I'll dream the day I start being part of her life

Unless you plan on using those electrodes to find out something about John Titor I'll have you know that you have been giving valuable information over to The Organization! If we don,t do something quick they will siege our lab in a matter of hours!

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hehe ez misaka a best

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And what does The Organization say about the bananas that you have been making Mayuri buy for you lately? Leave her alone, perverts!