Ok, but what does the word "femcel" actually mean though

ok, but what does the word "femcel" actually mean though

Attached: fembot brain.jpg (1858x178, 74.39K)

>sex is totally meaningless
this is a nice catch phrase by dumb holes that have no personality, get pumped and dumped by chad, and refuse to get a better personality in order to find someone that will actually stay.

A mtf transexual, simple as.

there already is a term for that, however 😏

Attached: 16314842597244.png (800x624, 85.72K)

to me, basically an unattractive woman. incels or even femcels don't actually exist though because anyone is able to either get a hambeast of the opposite gender, someone old, or a prostitute.

A woman who is depressed that chad will not commit to her

for women ill agree, for men it depends on where you live. a woman doesnt really have to be worried about being arrested over having sex unless she's pic rel (cheated on her husband with a 13 year old boy. also NTR'd another boy on school grounds)

Attached: mogged by 13 year old.jpg (1440x1833, 123.35K)

It means a BPD, narcissistic possibly sociopathic terminally online egirl slut who gets railed by chads on the weekend and simped by twitch gamer simps on the weekdays.

why cel though, why not just stick with fembot?

Attached: empathetic.jpg (1453x802, 160.86K)

>none of them are celibate
Women are retarded, femcel doesn't mean anything, they just adopt the label for attention. As per usual.

Femcel = a female human being who chooses celibacy.

OPs pic states that femcels can have sex every single day and still be a femcel as long as they understand "r9kcore", whatever that is.

women can't see dudes having anything exclusive to them without deciding to come over and force themselves to be part of it, unwanted and against all popular feeling. one of those things.

She jelly
She should get a man already

what the hell is r9kcore

The fuck does that mean?

i thought femcel already took a dive in the toilet with tiktok but hannah really does it

why do egirls fetishize robots then treat us like dirt in private?
jk, I known why. it's because they are immature attention seekers

obviously it means a woman who does nothing but complain about her own virginity all the time on the internet, especially after turning down literally every man who approaches her for not being Gigachad Superman Goku Buddha Christ incarnate

this is the equal and opposite character to the incel, who never approaches any woman because none of them are a manic pixie dream girl virgin whore saving herself just for him

it means making god awful threads using evangelion pics for its OP

women complain about the opposite, though. they're is no bigger button to push on a "femcel" than to bring up that female virginity is important and not something to be thrown away.

then they hit you with the whole spiel that men are actually repulsed by female virginity and prefer women who have been ran through instead, because they have "experience"

>implying literally ANY self-proclaimed femcel is a virgin
They're all used goods.

That's ridiculous, the only women who would claim that are the type who ride massive quantities of dick and want to convince themselves it's a good thing.
The women who say that aren't femcels because they're the opposite of celibate.

that is literally just a larper or baiter. imo you don't have to be a virgin to be a femcel, because any woman can get sex whenever, but you do have to never have had a relationship, and be generally socially isolated 👍

>you don't have to be a virgin
You're at least as retarded as they are, if not more so.